Examples of Priced Option in a sentence
Bid specification documents include Priced Option forms for bidder to list prices for specific optional engines, fire pumps, body changes, accessories, and loose equipment.
Computation of the Cumulative Net Amount Priced Option deltas allow all positions in cash, forward and futures and options markets recommended by a program to be combined into an index of the cumulative percentage of a crop priced for each day in the marketing window.
The effects on the Franchise Agreement will be the need to make such consequential amendments to the rights and obligations of the parties including the Service Level Commitment and the Train Plan as are reasonably required to give effect to the implementation of the Priced Option.
Note that the summer Sunday service to Okehampton, is included in the Devon Metro Specified Priced Option.
We also remain convinced of the necessity, in addition to the 319s described above, for DfT to exercise the Priced Option present in our Franchise Agreement which would see a further 25 Class 377 units for use by Southeastern sub-leased from GTR, albeit to commence service in late 2017.
Pension will not be billed separately, but will be allocated appropriately throughout the CLINs. (d) CLIN 00001 Priced Option Work Descriptions: The following priced options will become part of the CLIN 00001 target cost and fee, and the Contract Performance Ceiling (Refer to B.8(c)), if exercised.
The first two weeks in a new school can be difficult for children and their parents or carers and it is important that a good start is made in building up relationships.
Each Specified Priced Option shall be expressed as a clearly defined commitment with clear time plans for implementation that fully describe the circumstances and conditions under which the requested Priced Option may be delivered, including the benefits that will be achieved and how Bidders have, and will, engage with stakeholders in implementing these Priced Options.
The site has grown over the years and is now 100 acres (42 hectares) and is well known for it’s mosaic of habitats several of which are of international significance for biodiversity with several red listed species.
Bidders shall provide as a Specified Priced Option the costs for the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, approvals, maintenance, disposal and warranty support for any ETCS equipment they propose to retro-fit to rolling stock.