Primary agency definition
Examples of Primary agency in a sentence
An organization or agency designated to assist a specific Primary agency with available resources, capabilities, equipment, or expertise in support of an emergency response or recovery operation.
Description of duties provided by Primary agency has been reviewed.Findings following review: Similarity of duties exist; communication with Primary agency has occurred No similarity of duties exist Ethics Liaison has determined no conflict of interest exists.
Primary agency information still resides with the local agency, but the information is now released to be used by other agencies.
Whatever the reason, when an agency is designated as the Primary agency, that agency should have the necessary contacts and expertise to coordinate the activities of that support function.
A department or agency may be designated as the Primary agency for an ESF for a number of reasons.
Upon activation of an ESF, a Primary agency is authorized, in coordination with the SCO, to initiate and continue actions to carry out the ESF missions.
Description of duties provided by Primary agency has been reviewed.Findings following review:Similarity of duties exist; communication with Primary agency has occurred No similarity of duties exist Ethics Liaison has determined no conflict of interest exists.
The Florence County Sheriff’s Office will provide manpower (inmate labor) necessary to assist in off load of supply trucks and distribution of relief supplies to area citizens at the PODs. The ESF 7 Primary agency will be responsible for ordering, purchasing or renting equipment necessary to run the PODs (see attached diagrams for lists of necessary equipment).
If you are the Primary (agency receiving FEDERAL funds directly), you will do a Grant created through the Proposal method, having at least one Project ID and one Activity (FEDERAL).
The Primary agency will still identify the services to be provided by the agency that will be providing services under the secondary authorization.