Private definition
Examples of Private in a sentence
State Property includes, but is not limited to, System Agency’s office space, identification badges, System Agency information technology equipment and networks (e.g., laptops, portable printers, cell phones, iPads or tablets, external hard drives, data storage devices, any System Agency-issued software, and the System Agency Virtual Private Network (VPN client)), and any other resources of System Agency.
Grantee shall budget and report expenditure data on the CARE Report III, incorporated by reference and posted at: xxxxx:// portals/behavioral-health-services-providers/behavioral-health-provider- resources/community-mental-health-contracts, within the Community Hospital strategy C.2.1.1 using line 764 - Project Private Beds.
Attachment A07, Private Psychiatric Beds (MH/PPB), Version 1, of the Contract is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment A07, Private Psychiatric Beds (MH/PPB), Version 2, which is attached to this Amendment and incorporated and made part of the Contract for all purposes.
HHSC affirms funded added by this Amendment may be used by Grantee to cover costs under Attachment A07, Private Psychiatric Beds (MH/PPB), Versions 1 and 2.
SORACOM shall provide the Subscriber with a console system (the “SORACOM System”) for the SORACOM Private Network Service through the SORACOM Web site (the “SORACOM Site”).