Examples of Procedural Motion in a sentence
Participants recall their agreement in the Procedural Motion adopted on 24 September 1997 "that the resolution of the decommissioning issue is an indispensable part of the process of negotiation", and also recall the provisions of paragraph 25 of Strand 1 above.
X-‐ray output from magnetic-‐effect tubes, however, is unpredictable and intermittent.
Dylan Botica asked to consider en bloc for item 8.1 and 8.2. Dylan suggested Jesse leave for item 8.1 and stay for item 8.2. Procedural Motion: To move in-camera Moved: Rachel Taylor Carried.
The Mayor announced that as detailed in the agreed Procedural Motion this item had been withdrawn.
Two and a half hours after the start of a Private Business Meeting, and at 30 minute intervals thereafter, the Chair shall propose a Procedural Motion that the Meeting be adjourned to a specified day.