Structure of the Sample Clauses
Structure of the. EACH programme
1.1. The Student engages to pursue the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree (EMJMD) programme EACH which is approved and funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities under the Erasmus+ Programme (for more information about EMJDM programme see Erasmus+ Programme Guide - section EMJMD).
1.2. The modules (with ECTS credits in parentheses) of the EACH programme are:
Structure of the. EACH programme
1.1. The Student engages to pursue the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) programme EACH which is approved and funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities under the Erasmus+ Programme (for more information about EMJDM programme see Erasmus+ Programme Guide - section EMJMD).
1.2. The modules (with ECTS credits in parentheses) of the EACH programme are:
1.2.1. At UT: General analytical chemistry module (21); Metrology and quality management module (9); Socio- economical module (12) (includes a language course for 6 ECTS, e.g., Swedish or French); Elective courses (9); Internship (practical speciality training) (6); Optional courses (3).
1.2.2. Specialisation module at UU: Organic and bioorganic analysis and multimodal separation techniques (30) or
1.2.3. Specialisation module at UCBL: Industrial analytical chemistry module (30) or
1.2.4. Specialisation module at AAU: Electroanalysis module (25); Swedish language (5).
1.2.5. Master’s thesis (30) is a jointly delivered module. It includes the participation in two Winter Schools1 (WS) as one of its mandatory components.
1.3. Detailed information regarding the structure and organisation of the EACH programme is published on the EACH programme’s website xxxxx://xxxx.xx.xx/EACH/the-study-program/.
1.4. The language of teaching of the EACH programme is English.
Structure of the. EACH programme
1.1. The Student engages to pursue the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree (EMJMD) programme EACH which is approved and funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities under the Erasmus+ Programme (for more information about EMJDM programme see Erasmus+ Programme Guide - section EMJMD).
1.2. The modules (with ECTS credits in parentheses) of the EACH programme are:
1.2.1. At UT: General analytical chemistry module (21); Metrology and quality management module (9); Socio-economical module (12) (includes a language course for 6 ECTS, e.g., Swedish or French); Elective courses (9); Internship (practical speciality training) (6); Optional courses (3).
1.2.2. Specialisation module at UU: Organic and bioorganic analysis and multimodal separation techniques (30) or
1.2.3. Specialisation module at UCBL: Industrial analytical chemistry module (30) (includes French language for 3 ECTS) or
1.2.4. Specialisation module at AAU: Electroanalysis module (25); Swedish language (5).
1.2.5. Master’s thesis (30) is a jointly delivered module. It includes the participation in two Winter Schools1 (WS) as one of its mandatory components.
1.3. Detailed information regarding the structure and organization of the EACH programme is published on the EACH programme’s website xxxxx://xxxx.xx.xx/EACH/.
1.4. The language of teaching of the EACH programme is English.
1 The Winter Schools take place between semesters one and two, and semesters three and four. The WS is usually held as an intensive seminar during one week in January. If needed, the WS can be conducted as online teaching. In case the WS is cancelled by the organisers due to unforeseeable reasons the number of obligatory participations at WS is reduced.
Structure of the. EACH programme
1.1. The Student engages to pursue the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) programme EACH which is approved and funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities under the Erasmus+ Programme (for more information about EMJDM programme see Erasmus+ Programme Guide - section EMJMD).
1.2. The modules (with ECTS credits in parentheses) of the EACH programme are:
1.2.1. At UT: General analytical chemistry module (21); Metrology and quality management module (9); Socio- economical module (12) (includes a language course for 6 ECTS, e.g., Swedish or French); Elective courses (9); Internship (practical speciality training) (6), Optional courses (3).
1.2.2. Specialisation module at UU: Organic and bioorganic analysis and multimodal separation techniques (30) or
1.2.3. Specialisation module at UCBL: Industrial analytical chemistry module (30) (includes French language for 3 ECTS) or
1.2.4. Specialisation module at AAU: Electroanalysis module (25); Swedish language (5).
1.2.5. Master’s thesis (30) is a jointly delivered module. It includes the participation in two Winter Schools1 (WS) as one of its mandatory components.
1.3. Detailed information regarding the structure and organisation of the EACH programme is published on the EACH programme’s website xxxxx://xxxx.xx.xx/EACH/the-study-program/.
1.4. The language of teaching of the EACH programme is English.
Structure of the extracellular matrix of the heart
Structure of the. ALLIANCE -------------------------
Structure of the. EACH programme
1.1. The Student engages to pursue the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree programme EACH which is approved and funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities under the Erasmus+ Programme (for more information about EMJDM programme see Erasmus+ Programme Guide - section EMJMD).
1.2. The modules (with ECTS credits in parentheses) of the EACH programme are:
1.2.1. At UT: General Analytical Chemistry module (21); Metrology and Quality Management module (9); Socio-economical module (12); Elective courses (9); Internship (practical speciality training) (6); Optional subjects (3).
1.2.2. At UU: Organic and bioorganic analysis and multimodal separation (30).
Structure of the. Bitbon System Public Contract
1. The structure of this Agreement envisions a preamble, sections that consist of Provisions, which include paragraphs, and Appendices. The Agreement uses links and references to the Appendices.
2. The Appendices are an integral part of this Agreement (hereinafter — Appendices).
3. By their content, the Appendices cannot contradict this Agreement. In case of contradictions between the Provisions of this Agreement and Appendices, the Provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
4. The Appendices to this Agreement include:
4.1. “Bitbon Protocol” (open) 4.2. “Terms and Definitions in the Bitbon System Social Network” (open)
4.3. “Management of the Bitbon System” (being prepared...)
4.4. “Funds of the Bitbon System” (open)
4.5. “Bitbon System Operator” (open)
4.6. “Bitbon System Provider” (open)
Structure of the. REGISTER
6. The structure of the register shall be as follows:
(a) provisions on the scope of the register, activities covered by the register, definitions, incentives and exemptions;
(b) sections for registration (Annex I);
(1) OJ L 191, 22.7.2011, p. 29.
(2) OJ C 271 E, 12.11.2009, p. 48.
(3) OJ C 377 E, 7.12.2012, p. 176. L 277/12 Official Journal of the European Union
Structure of the. REGISTER
6. The structure of the register shall be as follows:
(a) provisions on the scope of the register, activities covered by the register, definitions, incentives and exemptions;
(b) sections for registration (Annex I);
(1) OJ L 191, 22.7.2011, p. 29.
(2) OJ C 271 E, 12.11.2009, p. 48.
(3) OJ C 377 E, 7.12.2012, p. 176.
(c) information required from registrants, including financial disclosure requirements (Annex II);
(d) code of conduct (Annex III);
(e) alert and complaint mechanisms and measures to be applied in the event of non-compliance with the code of conduct, including the procedures for alerts and for the investigation and treatment of complaints (Annex IV);
(f) implementation guidelines with practical information for registrants.