Examples of Program Results in a sentence
Attachment A Program Results Workbook**Energy savings and demand reductions reported in the attached tables may differ from the program’s stated achievements in the 2003 Energy Efficiency Annual Report because the tables herein do not incorporate any adjustment factor resulting from SCE’s internal verification process nor do the tables reflect 12 months of program activity.
IV.3 Afforestation Program Results Table 3 presents the results of a fairly large (10 million acre) afforestation program converting land from agriculture to forests applied in different regions.
Renting by Income Level 12Table 6: Comparison of Program Characteristics 20Table 7: Program Design Summary 37Table 8: Program Results Summary 39 AcknowledgementsThis work was jointly funded by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), and the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC).
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The four results statement under the US CTI Support Program Results Framework focus program activities towards the following goals: • Regional and national platforms strengthened to catalyze and sustain integrated marine and coastal management in the Coral Triangle; • Ecosystem approach to fisheries management improved; • Marine protected area management improved in Coral Triangle countries, and • Improved capacity to adapt to climate change in Coral Triangle countries.
The Crosswalk summarizes the strategic goals, objectives, sub-objectives, and the Program Results Codes (PRCs) for every EPA assistance agreement program.
Additional information on BAM procedures and historical data can be obtained from the SWA state contacts listed in the August 30, 2002, Federal Register notice titled Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program: Availability of Benefit Accuracy Measurement Program Results (67 FR 55879).
IV.1 Forest Setaside Program Results We consider forest preservation projects in two regions of the U.S.: old-growth forests of the west side of the PNW (PNWW) and harvestable mature forests in the South-central (SC) region.
Specifically, s/he will manage and coordinate all Strategic Information (SI) related processes required for the development of the annual PEPFAR Regional Operational Plan, Annual and Semi-Annual Program Results; oversee the fiscal year and planning year target setting exercises; and provide overall vision for the SI needs of PEPFAR.
The performance agreement is comprised of objectives and their related performance measures in the following categories: • Policy and Program Results: CEOs will be measured on their ability to achieve results in the organization’s priority areas of focus during the performance cycle.