Prohibited Material definition

Prohibited Material means any information, graphics, photographs, data and/or any other material that:
Prohibited Material means anything pornographic, sexually explicit, offensive, racist, obscene, abusive, violent, criminal, defamatory, unlawful or illegal, and any other type of material specified as Prohibited Material in the relevant Service Conditions.
Prohibited Material means any material the publication of which contravenes paragraph 1(2);

Examples of Prohibited Material in a sentence

  • Company reserves the right to immediately terminate Customer’s use of the Services, if Company, in its sole discretion, determines that Customer’s use of the Services is unlawful or if Customer transmits any Prohibited Material (as defined herein).

  • Prohibited Material may not be accessed at any time, for any purpose.

  • These materials may arguably fall within the description provided for Prohibited Material, but have clear educational relevance, such as material with literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

  • Materials that may arguably fall within the description provided for Prohibited Material that have clear educational relevance, such as material with literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, will be considered to be restricted.

  • Materials that may arguably fall within the description provided for Prohibited Material that have clear educational relevance, such as material with literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, will be considered to be Restricted.

More Definitions of Prohibited Material

Prohibited Material. (“deunydd gwaharddedig”) means—
Prohibited Material means any material defined as "Prohibited Material" in the GVS&DD By-law;
Prohibited Material means any Substance that may, directly or indirectly, obstruct the flow of Water within the Storm Drainage System or may have an Adverse Effect and includes, but is not limited to:
Prohibited Material means any object or product that poses a threat to personal health or the environment as a result of combustion of the product. This would include: any hydrocarbon based materials including rubber or plastic; controlled chemical products and applications; paints, stains and resins; metals; any liquid or gas contained within a vessel and any other substances which produce heavy black smoke, noxious odors or toxic residue when burned.
Prohibited Material means any sediment, earth, construction or excavation wastes, cement, concrete, pesticides, fertilizers, nutrient-laden water, sewage, soaps, paints, chemicals, chlorinated water, waste oil or any material or substance which is a “hazardous product”, “contaminant”, “toxic substance”, “deleterious substance”, “special waste”, “dangerous good” or “reportable substance” that is identified or described in or defined by any applicable statute, regulation or law, including other bylaws of the City, or that may constitute a hazard to the health of humans or animals, or that may be detrimental to the environment, or that may accelerate plant growth in the receiving watercourse, or that may inhibit maintenance of a watercourse.
Prohibited Material means any Substance that may, directly or indirectly, obstruct the flow of Water within the Storm Drainage System or may have a Negative Impact, and includes, but is not limited to:
Prohibited Material means any material the publication of