Mixed Use Sample Clauses
Mixed Use. The total square footage of the Project is approximately 79,600. The Developer anticipates the completed mixed use project will be comprised of the following: x approximately 29,500 square feet of office space; x approximately 21,200 square feet of common use area; x approximately 17,600 square feet of commercial space (retail/restaurant); x approximately 7,150 square feet of residential units; x approximately 4,150 square feet of conference facilities;
Mixed Use. Development of the FCC Lease Property shall achieve a planned, mixed use, self-sustaining community in accordance with the Planned Community Criteria and in accordance with the Level "A" Plan.
Mixed Use. Engagers/Corporate Sponsor When the production photograph is used by the Engager as well as another party:
(i) Produced and distributed by Engagers
(a) no payment is required; and
(b) approval of all Artists appearing in the photograph is required for photographs of three (3) Artists or less; during the current term of the Artist's Opera Agreement Engagement Contract, any production photograph not disapproved within twenty-four (24) hours of submission to the Artist shall be considered approved; and
(c) the Artists must be properly identified in photographs of three (3) Artists or less.
(ii) Produced and Distributed by Other Than Engagers
(a) approval of all Artists appearing in the photograph for the specific use is required; and
(b) payment for use of the Artist's image applies in accordance with Clause 30:05(A); and
(c) payment may be waived with the written consent of the Artist; and
(d) the Artists must be properly identified in photographs of three (3) Artists or less.
Mixed Use. Engagers/Corporate Sponsor When the production photograph is used by the Engager as well as another party:
(i) Produced and distributed by Engagers
Mixed Use. The Developer has indicated that residential lofts will be included in the Project. By applicable regulations set out in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Senoia, the City affirms that dwelling, vertical mixed use is an allowed use in the HT zoning district and does not require a conditional use.
Mixed Use. Engagers/Corporate Sponsor When the production photograph is used by the Engager as well as another party:
(i) Produced and distributed by Engagers
(a) no payment is required; and
(b) approval of all Artists appearing in the photograph is required for photographs of three (3) Artists or less; during the current term of the Artist’s Opera Agreement Engagement Contract, any production photograph not disapproved within twenty-four (24) hours of submission to the Artist shall be considered approved; and
(c) the Artists must be properly identified in photographs of three (3) Artists or less.
Mixed Use. Where any land or building is used for more than one (1) purpose, all provisions of this Bylaw relating to each use shall be satisfied. Where there is a conflict, such as in the case of lot size or frontage, the standards that apply to the most dominant use shall prevail.
Mixed Use. This use supports economic development by providing a specific, 19 defined location where multiple opportunities for working, shopping, entertainment, lodging, 20 and living are provided. Recognizing that Tracts may include both commercial and residential 21 uses, the mixed-use allows for designs to integrate commercial and residential (attached or
Mixed Use. A desirable mix of uses, including retail, restaurants/cafes, residential units, and Creative Office uses within new buildings to be constructed in close proximity to transit;
Mixed Use. A mixed use zone district (“Bolts MU District”) which provides for: (A) all uses permitted in the Bolts Residential District; (B) multifamily dwelling units; and (C) low impact neighborhood commercial uses (limited size convenience, gas station, bakery, etc.), spa/wellness center and accessory uses thereto, hotel and accessory uses thereto, and similar recreational uses. The minimum lot size for multifamily structures will be 5,000 square feet. For other residential uses and commercial uses, the minimum lot size will be 2,500 square feet. Maximum building lot coverage for commercial and vertically integrated mixed use structures will be 80% and for duplex, single-family and accessory dwelling units will be 50%. Maximum building heights in this zone will be 35 feet for commercial, vertically mixed use and multifamily, and 28 feet for duplex, single-family and accessory dwelling units. The intent of the Bolts MU District will be to enable denser multifamily, single-family homes, and duplexes similar in character but with smaller minimum lot sizes than in the Bolts Residential District.