Examples of Prospecting Licences in a sentence
Ilunga, Gap and Kwaheri (known as the Makongolosi projects), Tanzania On January 9, 2007, the Company signed an option agreement with Dhahabu Resources and Mining Co. Ltd (“Dhahabu”), a private Tanzanian mining company, through which the Company has earned a 100% interest in three contiguous Prospecting Licences known as Ilunga, Gap and Kwaheri that are within the Lupa Goldfields in southwest Tanzania.
The Act has introduced new procedures on renewal of Prospecting Licences (PL’s) that now involves a tender process.
The Company, through its wholly-owned Tanzanian subsidiary, Spring Take Limited (“STL”), was granted four Prospecting Licences (“PLs”) by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in the United Republic of Tanzania, Africa.
Mining Leases cover a smaller area of land than Reconnaissance Permits and Prospecting Licences, but a company with a Mining Lease is likely to do much more extensive work than during the other phases.
Tanzania Project During 2015 and 2016, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, STL, was granted a total of four Prospecting Licences (“PLs”) by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in the United Republic of Tanzania, Africa for exploration in the Dodoma Region in east-central Tanzania.
The minimum expenditure commitment is set out in the Prospecting Licences held by the Group.
The Mining Act 2011, (which replaced the previous Mining Act 1998), introduced new procedures on renewal of Prospecting Licences (PL’s) that involves a tender process.
On June 23, 2016, DGL was granted DfE Prospecting Licences for DG5 and DG6 with a commencement date of June 1, 2016 and expiry date of May 31, 2022.
Prospecting Licences and Mining Leases of other minerals :- The applications received for grant of prospecting licences or mining leases within the area granted under reconnaissance permit for minerals other than those for which the permit has been granted, shall not be refused on the grounds that the area is not available for grant.
The Company, through its wholly-owned Tanzanian subsidiary, Spring Take Limited (“STL”), has been granted four Prospecting Licences (“PLs”) by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in the United Republic of Tanzania, Africa.