Protected premises definition
Examples of Protected premises in a sentence
Protected premises carbon monoxide detection systems shall be arranged to annunciate carbon monoxide alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals in accordance with Section 4.12 .5.9.2 *If a remote alarm indicator is provided for an automatic [carbon monoxide] detector in a concealed location, the location of the detector and the area protected by the detector shall be prominently indicated at the remote alarm indicator by a permanently attached placard or by other approved means.
No Person shall use or operate any Alarm system on Protected premises located within the corporate boundaries of the city without a current valid alarm system registration therefor.
The purpose hereof is to preserve and protect in perpetuity for the benefit of the general public and the remainder of the Property the natural, scenic, open space, recreational, agricultural and forest values of the Protected premises, through the continuation of responsible conservation practices and agricultural, forest and recreational uses.
After review of the feasibility study by the City Council, a team of ECONorthwest, Tiberius Solutions, LLC and Elaine Howard Consulting, LLC was hired to complete the Plan and Report Accompanying the Scappoose Urban Renewal Plan (“Report”).
Protected premises [ carbon monoxide detection] systems shall be arranged to annunciate [ carbon monoxide] alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals in accordance with Section 4.12 .