Receiving property definition
Examples of Receiving property in a sentence
Receiving property owners were required to spend the funds on the specific improvements within two years of receipt.DescriptionProgram provided funding for energy and green retrofit investments to certain eligible assisted, affordable multifamily properties.
Receiving property owners were required to spend the funds on the specific improvements within two years of receipt.DescriptionThis program provided funding for energy and green retrofit investments to certain eligible assisted, affordable multifamily properties.
Receiving property at a young age frequently leads to indulgence and serious problems.
Receiving property as a gift instead of as an inheritance may cause different (less favorable) capital gains tax treatment for the recipient.
Table 4-9Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels for Eatontown Borough Receiving property category Residential Commercial Time 7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m. 24 hoursMaximum dBA 65 50 65Source: Eatontown Borough Municipal Code 2008.