Receiving property definition

Receiving property means a lot or parcel within which
Receiving property means real property within which sound originating from sources outside the property is received.
Receiving property means a lot or parcel within which development rights are increased pursuant to

Examples of Receiving property in a sentence

  • Receiving property owners were required to spend the funds on the specific improvements within two years of receipt.DescriptionProgram provided funding for energy and green retrofit investments to certain eligible assisted, affordable multifamily properties.

  • Receiving property owners were required to spend the funds on the specific improvements within two years of receipt.DescriptionThis program provided funding for energy and green retrofit investments to certain eligible assisted, affordable multifamily properties.

  • Receiving property at a young age frequently leads to indulgence and serious problems.

  • Receiving property as a gift instead of as an inheritance may cause different (less favorable) capital gains tax treatment for the recipient.

  • Table 4-9Maximum permissible A-weighted sound levels for Eatontown Borough Receiving property category Residential Commercial Time 7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m. 24 hoursMaximum dBA 65 50 65Source: Eatontown Borough Municipal Code 2008.

More Definitions of Receiving property

Receiving property means any property where people live or work and where noise is heard.
Receiving property means real property within which the maximum permissible noise levels specified herein shall not be exceeded from sources outside such property.
Receiving property means any resi- dential or commercial property that receives the sound from railroad facil- ity operations, but that is not owned or operated by a railroad; except that oc- cupied residences located on property owned or controlled by the railroad are included in the definition of ‘‘receiving property.’’ For purposes of this defini- tion railroad crew sleeping quarters lo- cated on property owned or controlled by the railroad are not considered as residences. If, subsequent to the publi- cation date of these regulations, the use of any property that is currently not applicable to this regulation changes, and it is newly classified as either residential or commercial, it is not receiving property until four years have elapsed from the date of the ac- tual change in use.
Receiving property means any real property where people live or work and where noise is heard, including an apartment, condominium unit, or cooperative building unit.
Receiving property means a lot or parcel within which development rights are increased pursuant to a transfer of development rights. Receiving property shall be appropriate and suitable for development and shall be sufficient to accommodate the transferable development rights of the sending property without substantial adverse environmental, economic or social impact to the receiving property or to neighboring property.
Receiving property means real property, including, but not limited to, buildings, grounds, offices and dwelling units from which sound levels from sound sources outside such property may be measured. Individual offices or dwelling units within a building may constitute a receiving property.
Receiving property means a lot or parcel within a receiving area and within which development