Examples of Public Venues in a sentence
EMERGENCY BUSINESS ORDER 21-08-24-08/ In the Matter of Calling for All Individuals, Businesses, Public Venues, and Employers to Take Additional Immediate Actions against the Delta Variant SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.
Spaces eligible for Tailored compliance would be Retail (Malls, Retail Sales, Grocery, Bank Public Areas, etc.) Hospitality (Hotel, Restaurant, Auditoriums, Lounge etc.) Religious Worship, Galleries/Museums and Public Venues (Convention Center, Auditoriums, Civic Meeting, etc.).
Public Venues: When possible, avoid or minimize time spent in the “soft” targets listed above.
Appendix 1: Interview Questions: GMHS Staff and Key Stakeholders 55Appendix 2: Service User Questionnaire 57Appendix 3: Observation Schedules for Non-Participant Observation in Public Venues 57Appendix 4a: Consent Form – Stakeholders 58Appendix 4b: Consent Form – Men Who Sex with Men 60Appendix 5: Logic Model – Definitions and Examples 62 List of Tables List of FiguresFigure 1: Implementation enablers and stages, adapted from Burke et al.
Investing in Public Venues that provide focus for Building Community IDEA: The Calgary Foundation would focus on creating opportunitiesto partner with citizens, donors, and the government and business communities to develop public venues where citizens can come together to create, celebrate, debate, work, and be together .
Demand, after all only grows over time – consider the emerging impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) with many new customer devicesthat will play a major role in security, location-based services, and other applications over the next few years.Wave 2 in Public Venues 2.
Public Venues: • When possible, avoid or minimize time spent in the “soft” targets listed above.
Public Venues: Sagamore is represented at national and state conventions, workshops, and seminars.
ORS 471.030, 471.040, 471.730(1), 471.730(5) STATUTES/OTHER IMPLEMENTED: ORS 471.030 REPEAL: 845-006-0430 RULE TITLE: Alcohol Management in Public Venues NOTICE FILED DATE: 10/24/2022 RULE SUMMARY: Sets standards for managing large public events.
For more information, see the table titled, How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Public Venues, below.