Examples of Publishing Notice in a sentence
In the case of inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such invention, and in no event less than [***] from the date of the Publishing Notice.
In the case of inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such invention, and in no event less than [***] days from the date of the Publishing Notice.
In the case of inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such invention, and in no event less than […***…] from the date of the Publishing Notice.
In the case of inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such invention, and in no event less than ninety (90) days from the date of the Publishing Notice.
In the case of Inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such Invention, and in no event less than [***] from the date of the Publishing Notice.
In the case of inventions, a - 41 - ***Confidential Treatment Requested*** delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such invention, and in no event less than […***…] from the date of the Publishing Notice.
Bid Submission Timeline Sl. No.ParticularsDateTime01.Date of Publishing Notice Inviting Tender (online)24.11.2023At 12 noon02.Start date for downloading Notice inviting Tender (NIeT) as well as online submission ofbids24.11.2023After 12 noon03.Last date of uploading documents online by the bidder.15.12.2023Up to 12 noon04.Date of opening Technical Bid15.12.2023At 1 PM05.Online Pre-Bid Meeting30.11.
ACTION IN REM 76(1)Verification Requirements 76(2) Pre-seizure Requirements 76(3) Special Requirements for Actions Involving Freight, Proceeds and/or Intangible Property 77(4) Publishing Notice of the Arrest as Required by Supplemental Rule C(4) 78(5) Undertaking in Lieu of Arrest 78(6) Time for Filing Claim or Answer 78(7) Post-arrest Proceedings 78(8) Procedural Requirements Prior to the Entry of Default 79(9) Procedural Requirements for the Entry of Default Judgment 79RULE D.
Holders of Series D-12 Preferred Shares shall not be entitled to any dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in excess of cumulative dividends, as herein provided, on the Series D-12 Preferred Shares.
In the case of Inventions, a delay shall be for a period reasonably sufficient to permit the timely preparation and filing of a patent application(s) on such Invention, and in no event less than [**] days after the date of the Publishing Notice.