Examples of Purchase and Installation in a sentence
MASH and large non-residential Applicants will generally use the 3-Step process, which, in addition to the Reservation Request Application and Incentive Claim steps, includes a separate Proof of Project Milestone (PPM) step at which time an Executed Purchase and Installation Agreement or Alternative System Ownership Agreement is due.
Retrofit Purchase and Installation: The purchase and installation of a qualifying retrofit device that is verified by the California Air Resources Board (ARB) for the specific engine family in the existing vehicle.
Ordinance No. 3136-2020 - Increasing Estimated Revenues and Appropriations in the General and the Public Safety Capital Project Funds and Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase and Installation of Updated Radio Consoles for the City of Kenai Dispatch Center.
ADD OTHER COSTS: GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS (GPS):(Includes Purchase and Installation.
Agreement with Grace City Outreach for the Purchase and Installation of a Closed- Circuit Security System to Increase the Health and Safety of Camp Hope for all Clients and Staff.
Authorize Purchase and Installation of Equipment at Gerry Crick Skate Park (Newton) REPORTS OF COMMISSIONS• Human Services Chair Fran McGregor: May 12 meeting.• Parks & Recreation Chair Laura Morrissey: May 9 special meeting and May 18 regular meeting.• Arts Chair Lesli Cohan: May 12 meeting.• PRePAC Chair Jennifer Harjehausen: April 27 meeting.• Planning Chair Bill Judd: May 5 and May 19 meetings.• Economic Development Council Co-Chair Jeff Wagner: April 28 meeting.
Bids must be placed in a sealed envelope, the outside of which shall plainly contain the following note: "Bid: Removal of Existing Sound System and Purchase and Installation of a new Audiovisual System for Courtroom 1”.
This Board Action Report provides authorization for the Superintendent to enter into a contract for the Purchase and Installation of Portable Classroom Modules to support the district’s 2018- 2019 Annual Short term Capacity Management Action Plan and provide portable classrooms to identified schools to meet the projected district homeroom and program capacity needs for the 2018-19 school year.
RESOLUTION: To Amend the FY2018 Budget and to Release of Funds for the Purchase and Installation of One (1) 2-Ton Ductless Split System for the Public Safety Building from Johnson Controls, Inc.
Special Technology Zones Authority (“STZA”) is inviting proposals from eligible, and qualified suppliers (“Bidder”) for Purchase and Installation of Fire Suppression System for STZA.