Qualifying Projects definition
Examples of Qualifying Projects in a sentence
In all cases, no more than four (4) total Qualifying Projects should be submitted.
Qualifying Projects will not be scored, but are used to identify if the proposed Development Team meets the minimum development team experience required to develop the Site.
Minimum experience must be demonstrated by identifying specific Qualifying Projects in which team members have participated, as further described below.
Qualifying Projects: For purposes of this MOU, Qualifying Projects are high voltage transmission line projects (generally though not necessarily 230 kV or above), and their attendant facilities, or otherwise regionally or nationally significant transmission lines and their attendant facilities, in which all or part of a proposed transmission line crosses jurisdictions administered by more than one Participating Agency.
Qualifying Projects that do not receive Reservations during the final Application Period may be considered for a Reservation if either (i) a Reservation is for any reason returned to the Authority, or (ii) the Authority Housing Credit Ceiling is increased from the national pool of unused Tax Credit Allocation authority or from returned Tax Credits.