Quarterly Reconciliation definition
Examples of Quarterly Reconciliation in a sentence
A Qualified Practicing Company Secretary carried out the Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit to reconcile the total admitted equity capital with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) of the total issued and listed Equity Share Capital.
In order to receive reimbursement, the employee must provide proof of other coverage and proof of cost to the employee as described in the established guidelines and Quarterly Reconciliation Form.
MSC and MPM, as applicable, may elect to cause all or a portion of the Quarterly Reconciliation Payment to be satisfied by one or more of their subsidiaries, including, in the case of MSC, those subsidiaries listed on Exhibit C and, in the case of MPM, those subsidiaries listed on Exhibit D, which, for the avoidance of doubt, may include settlement in non-U.S. jurisdictions in currency other than U.S. dollars converted at the Exchange Rate for MSC or MPM, as applicable.
Supporting Resources:Tourism Partners Program Policy and Guideline Manual and templates Statement of WorkTourism Partners Program Regional Graphic Standards Manual Tourism Partners Program Quarterly Reconciliation Report Workbook Trade, Overseas and Media Quarterly Reconciliation Report Workbook Technical, Operational and Organizational Environment: It is essential that Regions utilize the templates provided, including tables and fonts.
If the Steering Committee reasonably believes that a Periodic Reconciliation Payment will become owing and payable pursuant to Section 5.06(a), the Steering Committee may direct that an allocable portion of such anticipated Periodic Reconciliation Payment be combined with the amount(s) owing and payable pursuant to each Quarterly Reconciliation Payment, in order to lessen the size of the anticipated Periodic Reconciliation Payment.
The Company has also obtained Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report as per the Regulation 76 of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 and submitted the same to the Stock Exchanges within stipulated time.
Half yearly Transfer Audit in terms of the Listing Agreement and Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit in accordance with Circular No. DD&CC/FITTC/CIR-16/2002 dated December 31, 2002, issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India are regularly carried out by an Independent Practicing Company Secretary.
The Company has also obtained Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report as per the Regulation 55A of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996 and submitted the same to the Stock Exchanges.
Also as required by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), a Quarterly Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit is being carried out by Practicing Company Secretary with a view to reconcile the Total Share Capital admitted with National Securities Depository Limited [NSDL] and Central Depository Services (India) Limited [CDSL], with the issued and listed Capital of the Company.
No. Form CT-941, Connecticut Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding, is included in the Connecticut Employer Wage Withholding Returns and Instructions.