Reasonably Available History definition

Reasonably Available History means history which is made available to the CDMHP by referral sources, law enforcement, treatment providers and family at the time of referral and investigation, and/or other information that is immediately accessible. This other information can include an individual consumer’s crisis plan or other available treatment record, forensic evaluation reports (per RCW 10.77), criminal history records, and records from prior civil commitments.
Reasonably Available History means history which is made available to the DMHP by referral sources, law enforcement, treatment providers and family at the time of referral and investigation, and/or other information that is immediately accessible. This other information can include an individual consumer’s crisis plan or other available treatment record, forensic evaluation reports (per RCW 10.77), criminal history records, and records from prior civil commitments. When making decisions regarding referred persons, a DMHP considers reasonably available history regarding: • Advance directives previously prepared by the referred person. When the DMHP becomes aware of an advance directive, they shall access and respect the criteria as it is stated in the document; • Prior recommendations for evaluation of the need for civil commitment when the recommendation is made pursuant to an evaluation conducted under chapter 10.77 RCW; • Violent acts, which means homicide, attempted suicide, nonfatal injuries, or substantial damage to property. RCW 71.05.020(32) History of violent acts refers to the period of ten years prior to the filing of a petition, not including timespent in a mental health facility or in confinement as a result of a criminal conviction, but including any violent acts committed in such settings. RCW 71.05.020(16) • Prior determinations of incompetency or insanity under RCW 10.77; • Prior commitments made under RCW 71.05; and • For Dangerous Mentally Ill Offender (DMIO) consumers, a history of involuntary medications. RCW 72.09.370 While a DMHP is required to consider reasonably available history when making decisions, a history of violent acts or prior findings of incompetency cannot be the sole basis for determining if an individual currently presents a likelihood of serious harm. The DMHP’s need to compile reasonably available history is always to be considered in light of the intent of chapter 71.05 RCW to provide prompt evaluation and timely and appropriate treatment. The DMHP reviews historical information to determine its reliability, credibility and relevance. DMHP efforts to obtain reasonably available history, whether successful or not, should be documented. Reference: RCW 71.05.212 and RCW 71.05.245 225–Interviewing witnesses as part of an investigationIt may be appropriate and necessary for a DMHP to use information provided from witnesses to establish evidence of mental disorder. For a minor, obtaining information from the parent, legal guardian, care providers, sc...
Reasonably Available History means history made available to the DMHP by:• Referral sources;• Risk assessments, and/or discharge summaries from the Department of Corrections (DOC);• Law enforcement;• Treatment providers;• Family at the time of referral and investigation; and/or• Other information that is immediately accessible.Other information which may be available and include:• Individual’s crisis plan;• Mental health advance directive;• Other available treatment records;• Evaluations of incompetency or insanity under RCW 10.77;• Criminal history records;• Risk assessments;• Discharge summaries from DOC;• Historical behavior including a history of one or more violent acts; and/or• Records from prior civil commitments.

More Definitions of Reasonably Available History

Reasonably Available History means history made available to the DMHP by: referral sources,

Related to Reasonably Available History

  • Reasonably available means able to be contacted by a procurement organization without undue effort and willing and able to act in a timely manner consistent with existing medical criteria necessary for the making of an anatomical gift.

  • Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) means the lowest emission limit that a particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility. It may require technology that has been applied to similar, but not necessarily identical source categories.

  • Commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) item means a COTS item as defined in FAR 2.101

  • As low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) means making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the dose limits in these regulations as is practical, consistent with the purpose for which the licensed or registered activity is undertaken, taking into account the state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to benefits to the public health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic considerations, and in relation to utilization of nuclear energy and licensed or registered sources of radiation in the public interest.

  • Best available techniques means the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicates the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing the basis for emission limit values and other permit conditions designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole:

  • REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING Means base flood waters will not inundate the land or damage structures to be removed from the floodplain and that any subsurface waters related to the base flood will not damage existing or proposed buildings.

  • Readily available means available under a standard of economic feasibility, as applied to the specific circumstances of the applicant, that includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Publicly Available Software means any open source or free Software (including any Software licensed pursuant to a GNU public license) or other Software that requires as a condition of use, modification or distribution that other Software incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such Software (a) be disclosed or distributed in source code form, (b) be licensed for the purpose of making derivative works or (c) be redistributable at no charge.

  • Generally Available Information means information that is accessible to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.

  • Commercially available means that the choice between domestic and imported products is unrestricted and depends only on commercial considerations.

  • available techniques means those techniques which have been developed on a scale which allows implementation in the relevant industrial sector, in the economically and technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the cost and advantages, whether or not the techniques are used or produced inside the United Kingdom, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;

  • Publicly available information means information that:

  • Investigative consumer report means a consumer report or portion thereof in which information about a natural person's character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living is obtained through personal interviews with the person's neighbors, friends, associates, acquaintances, or others who may have knowledge concerning such items of information.

  • Maintenance Capital Expenditures means cash expenditures (including expenditures for the addition or improvement to the capital assets owned by any Group Member or for the acquisition of existing, or the construction of new, capital assets) if such expenditures are made to maintain, including over the long term, the operating capacity or revenues of the Partnership Group.

  • Actual Working Capital has the meaning set forth in Section 2.7(a).

  • Available resources means funds appropriated for the

  • reasonably practicable means practicable having regard to-

  • Practical examination means a demonstration through application of the safety rules and principles in industrial radiography including use of all procedures and equipment to be used by radiographic personnel.

  • Best available technology means those practices which most appropriately remove, treat, or isolate contaminants from groundwater, soil or associated environment, as determined through professional judgment considering actual equipment or techniques currently in use, published technical articles, site hydrogeology and research results, engineering and groundwater professional reference materials, consultation with experts in the field, capital and operating costs, and guidelines or rules of other regulatory agencies.

  • frequency ride through as used herein shall mean the ability of a Small Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the system or equipment of the Transmission Owner and any Affected Systems during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over- frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and consistent with any standards and guidelines that are applied to other generating facilities in the Balancing Authority Area on a comparable basis. The term “voltage ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Small Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the system or equipment of the Transmission Owner and any Affected Systems during system disturbances within a range of under-voltage and over-voltage conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and consistent with any standards and guidelines that are applied to other generating facilities in the Balancing Authority Area on a comparable basis.

  • Expansion Capital Expenditures means cash expenditures for Acquisitions or Capital Improvements. Expansion Capital Expenditures shall include interest (including periodic net payments under related interest rate swap agreements) and related fees paid during the Construction Period on Construction Debt. Where cash expenditures are made in part for Expansion Capital Expenditures and in part for other purposes, the General Partner shall determine the allocation between the amounts paid for each.

  • Available Revenues means all monies on deposit from time to time (including investment earnings thereon) in (a) the PILOTS Account; and (b) subject to annual appropriation, the EATS Account that have been appropriated to the repayment of TIF Notes, excluding (i) any amount paid under protest until the protest is withdrawn or resolved against the taxpayer or (ii) any sum received by the City which is the subject of a suit or other claim communicated to the City which suit or claim challenges the collection of such sum.

  • Updates are changes that do not require a change to the established Centralized Contract terms and conditions. A request to add new products at the same or better price level is an example of an update. “Amendments” are any changes that are not specifically covered by the terms and conditions of the Centralized Contract, but inclusion is found to be in the best interest of the State. A request to change a contractual term and condition is an example of an amendment.

  • Consolidated Maintenance Capital Expenditures means all Capital Expenditures of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis other than those constituting Consolidated Growth Capital Expenditures.

  • Audit means the examination of a person or the inspection of the books, records, memoranda, or accounts of a person, ordered to appear before the Tax Administrator, for the purpose of determining liability for a municipal income tax.

  • Bid with Lowest Evaluated Cost means the bid quoting lowest cost amongst all those bids evaluated to be substantially responsive;