Reference Assets definition
Examples of Reference Assets in a sentence
In relation to any Subscription Order, in satisfaction of the relevant subscription amount, the Issuer may agree with the relevant Authorised Participant to accept the delivery to, or to the order of, the Issuer of Reference Assets which the Determination Agent determines have a value on the Subscription Settlement Date, after taking account of any costs of transfer or delivery which are to be discharged by the Issuer, which is equal to or greater than the subscription amount.
The investor's exposure to the performance of the Reference Assets may be increased or decreased through the application of different participation ratios.
In a "Booster Long" Structure, the positive performance of the Reference Assets will have a positive effect on the return on the Notes.
If the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) performs in such a way so that the Final Valuation Price is less than the Knock-in Barrier Price on such specified date, the value of and return on the Underlying Preference Share and, in turn, the Securities may be dramatically less that if the level of the Underlying Preference Share Reference Asset(s) had reached or crossed the 'barrier'.
Amounts standing to the credit of the Margin Account from time to time, to the extent not required to be invested in Reference Assets to replicate the return of the Index or to pursue the Investment Strategy, may at the discretion of the Portfolio Administrator be maintained as cash balances in the Margin Account or invested in Ancillary Assets.