Examples of Reference Shareholders in a sentence
Total assetsTotal net assetsShareholders' equity ratioNet assets per share As of March 31, 2022As of March 31, 2021Million yen224,161219,555Million yen62,14266,634%27.730.3Yen1,593.831,709.00 (Reference) Shareholders' equity: As of March 31, 2022: 62,142 million yen As of March 31, 2021:66,634 million yen *Summaries of financial results are not subject to auditing by a certified public accountant or auditing firm.
In the event one or more Reference Shareholders join in such a demand including a multi-day marketed roadshow, each shall be entitled to have their Ordinary Shares registered and marketed in accordance with their relative Ownership Ratios.
AttributeNumber of shares (voting rights) (ratio to the voting rights of entireshareholders) Ranking among major shareholdersDirectownershipCombinedownershipTotalBeforechangeMajor shareholder4,900(49%)0(0%)4,900(49%)SecondAfterchange-0(0%)0(0%)0(0%)Not applicable (Reference) Shareholders of the Asset Management Company after the Share Transfer NameNumber of voting rightsRatio of the voting rightsof entire shareholders76KK10,000(10,000 shares)100%Total10,000(10,000 shares)100% 5.
In particular, it should be noted that a Change of Control for purposes of the conditions shall only have occurred if (i) any person not affiliated with the Reference Shareholders (as defined in the Conditions) or (ii) a group of persons not affiliated with the Reference Shareholders, Acting in Concert, gain(s) Control of the Issuer, both as defined in Condition 6(b) (Redemption at the Option of Bondholders).
The Board is composed of representatives of the Reference Shareholders, Independent Directors and Executive Directors who are members of the Management Committee.
The reference shareholders apply their influence to foster and watch over the implementation and execution of the strategy of the Company to build on their experience, know-how and network and to create a platform for further investments and portfolio growth.The Reference Shareholders control the Statutory Manager of the Company as set out in 3.2 of the Charter.
After Closing, the Undersigned acknowledges that it may be released from the standstill obligation with respect to DutchCo Shares with the consent of the DutchCo Board, provided that such consent shall not be adopted without the favorable vote of each of the directors nominated by the other reference shareholders of the Companies that remain bound by their Reference Shareholders Undertakings.
Total assetsNet assetsEquity ratioAs ofSeptember 30,2013March 31,2013million yen715,140630,061million yen135,789122,397%18.819.4 (Reference) Shareholders' equity September 30, 2013: 134,358 million yen March 31, 2013: 121,947 million yen 2.
Total assetsNet assetsEquity ratioNet assets per shareAs ofmillion yenmillion yen%yenDecember 31,20191,195,479161,81013.2635.45March 31,20191,391,076164,30011.6625.05 (Reference) Shareholders' equity December 31, 2019: 157,824 million yen March 31, 2019: 161,491 million yen 2.
Total assetsTotal net assetsShareholders' equity ratioNet assets per share As of March 31, 2023As of March 31, 2022Million yen255,059224,161Million yen67,54662,142%26.527.7Yen1,731.941,593.83 Reference: Shareholders' equity: As of March 31, 2023: 67,546 million yen As of March 31, 2022: 62,142 million yen * Summaries of financial results are not subject to auditing by a certified public accountant or auditing firm.