Refundable contract definition
Examples of Refundable contract in a sentence
Refundable contract revenue is treated as deferred until such time that it is no longer refundable.
Refundable contract revenue is treated as deferred until such time that it is no longer refundable.
Refundable credit means the amount of the City income tax that was paid on the non-distributed portion, if any, of a nonqualified deferred compensation plan.
Applicable Contract any Contract (a) under which the Company has or may acquire any rights, (b) under which the Company has or may become subject to any obligation or liability, or (c) by which the Company or any of the assets owned or used by it is or may become bound.
avoidable costs means those costs which would not be incurred by the Licensee if he did not supply the consumers in question, including (but with due regard to the timing thereof all relevant future outlays affected by the decision to supply; and"terms"means all the terms on which a supply of gas is provided or offered, whether as respects charges, methods of payment or otherwise.
Non-Assignable Contract means any agreement, contract or license to which any Grantor is a party that by its terms purports to restrict or prevent the assignment or granting of a security interest therein (either by its terms or by any federal or state statutory prohibition or otherwise irrespective of whether such prohibition or restriction is enforceable under Section 9-406 through 409 of the UCC).
Eligible Contract means a currently effective written contract between Bank and a Subcustodian satisfying the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of Rule 17f-5 (including any amendments thereto or successor provisions).
Deactivation Avoidable Cost Credit means the credit paid to Generation Owners pursuant to Tariff, Part V, section 114.
Sale Contract means a contract providing for the sale of one or more projects to one or more contracting parties and includes a contract providing for payment of the purchase price in one or more installments. If the sale contract permits title to the project to pass to the other contracting party or parties prior to payment in full of the entire purchase price, it shall also provide for the other contracting party or parties to deliver to the municipality or to the trustee under the indenture pursuant to which the bonds were issued one or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of such contracting party or parties providing for timely payments, including without limitation, interest thereon for the balance of the purchase price at or prior to the passage of such title.
Credit-sale contract means a written contract for the sale of grain pursuant to which the sale price is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery or release of the grain for sale and which contains the notice provided in subsection 7 of section 60-02.1-14. If a part of the sale price of a contract for the sale of grain is to be paid or may be paid more than thirty days after the delivery or release of the grain for sale, only such part of the contract is a credit-sale contract.
Avoidable Cost Rate means a component of the Market Seller Offer Cap calculated in accordance with Tariff, Attachment DD, section 6. “Balancing Congestion Charges” shall be equal to the sum of congestion charges collected from Market Participants that are purchasing energy in the Real-time Energy Market minus [the sum of congestion charges paid to Market Participants that are selling energy in the Real-time Energy Market plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement between the Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 38), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement Among and Between New York Independent System Operator Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 45), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to agreements between the Office of the Interconnection and other entities, plus any charges or credits calculated pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 3.8, and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 3.8, as applicable)].
Contract Fee means the lump sum rates as outlined in Schedule ‘B’ – Quote Form.
Deactivation Avoidable Cost Rate means the formula rate established pursuant to Tariff, Part V, section 115 of this Tariff.
Applicable Contracts has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(d).
Financeable Costs means the amount of expenditure for an Improvement which has been duly authorized by action of the governing body of the Issuer to be financed by general obligation bonds, less:
sales contract means a contract under which a trader transfers or agrees to transfer the ownership of goods to a consumer and the consumer pays or agrees to pay the price, including any contract that has both goods and services as its object. Conformity
Agreement Payment means a Payment paid or payable pursuant to this Agreement.
Ineligible Costs means those expenditures described as ineligible in Schedule C.
Eligible Costs means the actual costs reasonably incurred by the Recipient:
Responsible Contractor means a Contractor that has the capability in all material respects to perform the specifications of the Contract. In determining whether a Contractor is a Responsible Contractor, the Agency may consider various factors including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s competence and qualifications to provide the goods or services requested, the Contractor’s integrity and reliability, the past performance of the Contractor and the best interest of the Agency and the State.
Allowable Costs means the costs defined as allowable in 42 CFR, Chapter IV, Part 413, as amended to October 1, 2007, except for the purposes of calculating direct medical education costs, where only the reported costs of the interns and residents are allowed. Further, costs are allowable only to the extent that they relate to patient care; are reasonable, ordinary, and necessary; and are not in excess of what a prudent and cost-conscious buyer would pay for the given service or item.
CFD Contract or "CFD" shall mean a contract which is a contract for difference by reference to fluctuations in the price of the relevant security or index;
Specified Agreement is defined in Section 8.1(e) of the Agreement.
Contract Charges means charges that accrue during a given month as defined in Article III. “Contract Term” is defined in Article IV.
Financial Contract of a Person means (i) any exchange-traded or over-the-counter futures, forward, swap or option contract or other financial instrument with similar characteristics, or (ii) any Rate Management Transaction.
Related Contract means: (i) in relation to the SwapClear Service, a RelatedSwapClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (ii) in relation to the RepoClear Service, a Related RepoClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iii) in relation to the ForexClear Service, a Related ForexClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iv) in relation to the EquityClear Service, a Related EquityClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (v) in relation to the Listed Interest Rates Service, a Related Listed Interest Rates Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures)"Relevant Auction Contract"has the meaning given to the term in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Business"has the meaning as described in Default Rule 15(c)"Relevant Client Clearing Business"means the Client Clearing Business conducted by a particular Clearing Member in a particular Service"Relevant Contract"has the meaning assigned to it in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Default"has the meaning ascribed to it in Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement - SwapClear, Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement or Rule R2 of the RepoClear Default Fund Supplement, as applicable"Relevant FX Amounts"means, in respect of a ForexClear Option Clearing Member and a day, all amounts that are due to be received by such ForexClear Option Clearing Member on such day under a ForexClear Option Contract, ForexClear Swap Contract, ForexClear Deliverable Forward Contract and/or ForexClear Spot Contract in any ForexClear Currency"Relevant FX Liability"has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation 101"re-opening contract"means a contract arising pursuant to Regulation 30(b) or 30(c)"RepoClear Additional Payments Cap"means, in respect of a RCM on any date, an amount equal to the Clearing Member Current Collateral Balance of that RCM in connection with its RepoClear Business as at the date of the Default causing losses leading to an Insufficient Resources Determination (or, where such an Insufficient Resources Determination is made following concurrent Defaults, the date of the earliest Default)"RepoClear Business"means any transaction, obligation or liability arising out of any Fixed Income Contract
sub-contract means the primary contractor’s assigning, leasing, making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract;
Current Pay Obligation Any Collateral Obligation that would otherwise be treated as a Defaulted Obligation but as to which no payments are due and payable that are unpaid and with respect to which the Collateral Manager has certified to the Trustee (with a copy to the Collateral Administrator) in writing that it believes, in its reasonable business judgment, that the Obligor of such Collateral Obligation (a) is current on all interest payments, principal payments and other amounts due and payable thereunder and will continue to make scheduled payments of interest thereon and will pay the principal thereof and all other amounts due and payable thereunder by maturity or as otherwise contractually due, (b) if the Obligor is subject to a bankruptcy proceeding, it has been the subject of an order of a bankruptcy court that permits it to make the scheduled payments on such Collateral Obligation and all interest payments, principal payments and other amounts due and payable thereunder have been paid in Cash when due and (c) the Collateral Obligation has a Market Value of at least 80% of its par value.