Examples of Regulatory Group in a sentence
No. 15-1370: Utility Air Regulatory Group and American Public Power Association.No. 15-1371: Alabama Power Company; Georgia Power Company; Gulf Power Company; and Mississippi Power Company.No. 15-1372: CO2 Task Force of the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, Inc.No. 15-1373: Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., a Division of MDU Resources Group, Inc.No. 15-1374: Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.
Risks affecting the Helaba Regulatory Group are identified con- tinuously as an integral part of daily operations.
A "Regulatory Event" will occur if there is a change in the regulatory classification of the Notes under the Relevant Regulations that would be likely to result or has resulted in their exclusion in full or in part from own funds or reclassification as a lower quality form of own funds [on a consolidated basis of the BAWAG Regulatory Group] [and/or] [on an individual basis of the Issuer].
They are also centrally relevant because they underpin EPA’s interpretation of the scope of “such State standards.” That interpretation, in turn, is fundamental to EPA’s determination that California does not need its GHG and ZEV standards to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions.For the first time, EPA claims that Utility Air Regulatory Group v.
Together, these tests ensure that the alternative program provides for greater visibility improvement than would source-specific BART.For purposes of the 2012 analyticdemonstration that CSAPR as finalized and amended in 2011 and 2012 Regulatory Group v.