Examples of Regulatory Provisions in a sentence
The report is provided in four sections to address key aspects of the requirement: State Performance Plan (SPP) Compliance Indicators, Timely and Accurate Data Reporting, Adherence to IDEA Regulatory Provisions, and Fiscal Monitoring.
If at any point a conflict of interpretation / information between the Policy and any regulations, rules, guidelines, notification, clarifications, circulars, master circulars/ directions issued by relevant authorities (“Regulatory Provisions”) arises, then interpretation of the Regulatory Provisions shall prevail.
For the purpose of this advice, we note below how relevant documents in this matter that fall within section 314 of SPA concern the acoustic environment: (a) the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 State Planning Regulatory Provisions do not make specific reference to noise; (b) the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009 – 2031 (FNQ Regional Plan) provides for acoustic environment protection.
In case of any amendment(s) and/or clarification(s) to the Regulatory Provisions, the Policy shall stand amended accordingly from the effective date specified as per the Regulatory Provisions.
The development proposal is for an urban activity in the Urban Footprint, and there are no requirements in the State Planning Regulatory Provisions applicable to the development proposal.