Relative Interest definition
Examples of Relative Interest in a sentence
LXP shall also be reimbursed by the Partnership for the product of (i) the Relative Interest and (ii) all expenses LXP incurs relating to the reorganization of LXP, the Partnership, the General Partner and the Limited Partner, and any other issuance of REIT Shares pursuant to Section 4.2 hereof.
The Relative Interest Level Is Based on the Percentage of Works Addressing the Specific Security Requirement Compared to the Total Number of Papers for That Category exchange in the industrial domain, and features some very basic and insecure authentication methods [57].
Table-11Perception of Relative Interest Rate Paid per Different MFI Perception of Relative interest rate compared to other MFI's 58 Islamic Economic Studies, Vol.
NC Identification & Notice Tools ⮚ NC Revised Policy: 10/man/CSs1201c4.pdf ⮚ Optional Samples ⚫ Sample letter (DSS-5317) for notice to relatives ⚫ Relative Interest Form (DSS-5316) ⚫ Relative Search Info.
We use OLS to estimate Loan Maturity and Interest Rate regressions and Logit model to estimate Collateral Requirement regression.Given that large firms and those with higher ROA and Asset Tangibility have greater ability to repay a loan, we expect positive signs on ROA, SIZE, and Asset Tangibility when Loan Maturity serves as the dependent variable and a negative sign when Collateral Requirement or Relative Interest Rate serves as the dependent variable.
If District increases its Relative Interest in Mercy Maricopa to thirty-three and one-third percent (33-1/3%) as provided in Section 11(b), the Members agree that the decisions reserved to the Managing Member under Section 3.8 of the Bylaws of Mercy Maricopa shall be converted to decisions reserved to the Members under Section 3.9 of the Bylaws.
No Member shall have the right, other than District as provided in Section 11(b) below, to make a unilateral contribution to the capital of Mercy Maricopa, or to acquire in some manner a larger Percentage Interest or Relative Interest in Mercy Maricopa without the consent of all of the other Members.
Owning a house requires a steady stream of time and effort- and the perceived appreciation gained from real estate ownership and/or real estate investment cannot occur until land [even created land such as in Dubai] becomes truly scarce.We can see by reviewing my FIGURE 1 Relative Interest Rates on 30 Year FRM from 1970-2000, and the Relative Value of homes from 1970-2000 [original data points from the US census Bureau] that the trends are complimentary.
The REIT shall repurchase the Repurchased Shares from each Call Party in proportion to each Call Party's Relative Interest.
The exchange rates are influenced by inflation because it affects the competitiveness of a country's products versus same or similar products from another country.• Relative Interest RatesThe covered interest rate parity theorem asserts a relationship between interest rate differentials and forward premium and discount.