Examples of Relative Share in a sentence
The Relative Share % will then be * by the 15% Poverty Allocation in order to obtain the Final Revised Poverty Allocation.
These increases in free/reduced lunch counts will be added to the prior year’s 10/1/20XX Free/Reduced Lunch Count and a new Relative Share % will be calculated for each LEA.
These increases in enrollment will be added to the prior year 10/1/20XX Enrollment and a new Relative Share % will be calculated for each LEA.
In the event Grantees request more reallocated funds than are available for distribution, each Grantee’s share (Relative Share) will be calculated by (i) determining the aggregate amount of reallocated funds approved by Treasury based on its evaluation of the requests as described above; (ii) dividing the Grantee’s approved amount by this aggregate total; and (iii) multiplying the total amount available for distribution by the resulting percentage.
The Relative Share% will then be * by the 85% Population Allocation in order to obtain the Final Revised Population Allocation.