Local share definition
Local share means, in the case of a school facilities project to
Local share means that portion of the best management practice installation cost that is not authorized for funding under s. 92.14, 281.65, 281.66 or 281.665, Stats.
Local share means that portion of the cost of the project other than state funds administered by the department.
Examples of Local share in a sentence
The state shall use U.S. census statistics to determine the poverty-level population in each community action area.21.4(4) Local share.
The following event shall be “Events of Default”: The occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Notes) under the Notes, which shall continue for a period of ninety (90) days.
However, such toll collection measures must nevertheless comply with the fundamental EEA law principles of non-discrimination.
Local share funding will come from TAD refund on previous projects.
Bidders‟ representatives who are present shall sign in a register evidencing their attendance.
More Definitions of Local share
Local share means, in the case of a school facilities project to be constructed by the development authority, the total costs less the State share as determined pursuant to section 5 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-5); in the case of a demonstration project, the total costs less the State share as determined pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-5 and C.18A:7G-6); and in the case of a school facilities project which shall be financed pursuant to section 15 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-15), the total costs less the State share as determined pursuant to that section;
Local share or "share" means an indigent criminal defense system's average annual expenditure for indigent criminal defense services in the 3 fiscal years immediately preceding the creation of the MIDC under this act, excluding money reimbursed to the system by individuals determined to be partially indigent.
Local share means those funds available for use by incorporated organizations or other public agencies through cost-sharing, grants, subgrants or contracts.
Local share means cash or in-kind goods and services donated to a community action agency to carry out its responsibilities.
Local share means that portion of the project costs that is not funded by the department.
Local share means the portion of the acquisition or development cost that is not funded by the state. Eligible sources of local share may include cash from the sponsor; grants or con- tributions from foundations, organizations, businesses and pri- vate individuals; and funds from the federal government except as provided in s. 30.277 (5), Stats. Local share may also mean prop- erty contributions from a third party if the contribution is made within the 3 years prior to the acquisition and is considered by the department to be part of the project or eligible for that stewardship grant program.
Local share means the share of the Total Project Cost for each Project to be funded on behalf of the LEA by the County.