Relevant Award means an award that applies to a Trainee, or that would have applied, but for the operation of this Appendix.
Relevant Award means The Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Establishments) State Award 1977 No. R 32 of 1976.
Relevant Award means the Food Industry (Food Manufacturing or Processing) Award No. A 20 of 1990.
Examples of Relevant Award in a sentence
Relevant Award provisions if any.(6) The panel's decision shall be final and the work shall continue on the basis of the panel's decision for that particular dispute on that project.
Relevant Award means the Security Industry (New South Wales) Award 1996 that applies to a Trainee, or that would have applied, but for the operation of this Appendix.
Any dispute relating to the application of this procedure shall be settled in accordance with the Grievance and Dispute Settlement Procedure of the [Insert Relevant Award or Agreement].
The first aid allowance will increase in alignment with the Relevant Award.
For all matters not covered by this Agreement or the Toll NSW, TWU NSW Heads of Agreement, the Relevant Award will apply.
More Definitions of Relevant Award
Relevant Award means an Award, industrial agreement, certified agreement or enterprise flexibility agreement that applies to a Trainee or that would have applied, but for the operation of this Award.
Relevant Award means the Motor Vehicle (Service Station, Sales Establishments, Rust Prevention and Paint Protection) Industry Award No. 19 of 1980.
Relevant Award means Licensed Establishments (Retail and Wholesale) Award 1979 No. R 23 of 1977.
Relevant Award means an award that applies to a trainee, or that which would have applied, but for the operation of this award. A list of relevant awards for the purposes of this award are contained in Schedule A
Relevant Award means a statutory award in respect of a person’s attendance at—
Relevant Award means an award that applies to a Trainee, or that would have applied, but for the operation of this Appendix. “ Relevant Union” means a union party to a relevant award and which is entitled to enrol the Trainee as a member.
Relevant Award means the Award or other industrial instruments applying to the staff member’s contract of service or employment in their home agency.