Examples of Renovate in a sentence
Renovate existing restrooms for boys, girls and staff, install new security vestibule in the main entrance, replace selected roofs.
With the exception of the requirement to use the pamphlet entitled Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Informa- tion for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools, the provisions of the Pre- Renovation Education Rule in this sub- part have been in effect since June 1999.[73 FR 21758, Apr.
To learn more about EPA’s requirements for RRP projects, visit xxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxx, or read The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right.
You may obtain a copy of the pamphlet, Renovate Right, by telephoning meat .
This subsequent notification must be provided before the person conducting the renovation, remodeling, or repainting initiates work beyond that which was described in the original notice.69.7(5) If the operator of the child-occupied facility is not the owner of the building, provide the pamphlet, Lead Poisoning: How to Protect Iowa Families, or the federal pamphlet, Renovate Right, to the operator of the child-occupied facility where renovation, remodeling, or repainting will be performed.