Examples of Report month in a sentence
The additional 1,500 MW of resources is selected as an upper end target because it represents the NQC of solar in September, which has been the Integrated Energy Policy Report month in recent years.
The Committee NOTED the updated Action Log 2.FINANCE2.1Finance Report month 6 (including CCG H2 planning update)2.1.1Ms Booker presented the report which was taken as read.
The PM will review all MEURs submitted by the Contractor and its Subcontractors monthly for completeness and accuracy and must verify that the following items are correct:• Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s name• ODOT Contract number• Subcontract number• Report month and year• Verify the hours claimed on the MEUR match the hours recorded on the certified payrolls The PM will also review whether the report is new or revised.
This document should be read in conjunction with the following:• Annex I to the contract (Description of Work)• The Periodic Activity Report month 1-12.
Commissioner Gallagher moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, month ending September 30, 3021 in the amount of $16,162,184.17.