Reporting Operation definition
Examples of Reporting Operation in a sentence
Proponents must provide a rough preliminary estimate of potential emission reductions at the site of the Reporting Operation associated with the Project that the Study is addressing and potential emission reductions which may be achieved more broadly in B.C. through commercial adoption of the technology or process, if applicable.
Explain how this Study relates to an emissions reduction project that can be undertaken at a B.C. Reporting Operation site in the future.
This call will provide funding towards feasibility studies that help determine the operational, technical, and/or economic viability of a project at a B.C. Industrial Reporting Operation and progress a potential future Project Proposal under the Fund’s Emission Performance (EP) or Innovation Accelerator (IA) streams.Please contact the CleanBC Industry Fund Program Advisor ( before submitting a Proposal if you are unsure whether your Study is eligible.
For the previous (2) years, the Operator of the Reporting Operation identified in the Proposal must have either submitted an emission report for the operation by May 31, 2019, or the Proposal must include for each reporting operation either a certification that at the time an emission report was required to be submitted, the current operator was not the Operator of the Reporting Operation, or that the operation was not a Reporting Operation during the relevant calendar year.
Proponents may propose permanent redactions for non-public information related to the Reporting Operation and for technical information related to the design of the Project technology.
The Operator of each Reporting Operation identified in the Proposal has submitted a GGIRCA emission report for the 2018 calendar year by May 31, 2019.
Executive Board Steering Committee Reporting Reporting Operation ManagerDeployment ManagerCoordination Deployment GroupCoachingand consultingof RU/ IM/ WK;trackingof activities, stepsand milestones(migrationplans) Operation GroupEfficientand undisturbed operationof CI &reference files, definitionof access rulesand securityaspects The Deployment Manager reports periodically to the Steering Committee.
A greenfield industrial operation does not yet exist nor have historical activity and does not comply with mandatory criteria #1 on page 15 of the RFP:The Operator of each Reporting Operation identified in the Proposal has submitted a GGIRCA emission report for the 2018 calendar year by May 31, 2019.
To be eligible for funding: • The Proponent must be the Operator of a Reporting Operation.
The Service Delivery Agent will accept Proposals where more than one organization or individual is proposed to deliver the Study, so long as the Proposal identifies the lead Operator of a Reporting Operation that will be the Proponent and that will have sole responsibility to implement the Study under the Funding Agreement.