Examples of Representative Joint Borrower in a sentence
The Chairman of the meeting may however (if in his absolute discretion he so decides) permit any other joint Shareholding Member or joint Borrowing Member to attend and speak at a meeting but this shall not confer any further right on such Member.(2) Any reference in these Rules to any number of Members shall be read as if any joint Shareholding were held by the Representative Joint Shareholder and as if any Loans received jointly were received by the Representative Joint Borrower.
No joint Shareholding Member, other than the Representative Joint Shareholder, and no joint Borrowing Member, other than the Representative Joint Borrower, may attend a meeting except as a proxy or exercise any right conferred by these Rules on a Member.
We will advise you if we require you to supply further proof of identification.For joint applications, the first named will be the Representative Joint Borrower in accordance with the Rules of the Society and will be the person to receive communications from the Society and have voting rights.
The Chairman of the meeting may however (if in his absolute discretion he so decides) permit any other jointShareholding Member or joint Borrowing Member to attend and speak at a meeting but this shall not confer any further right on such Member.(2) Any reference in these Rules to any number of Members shall be read as if any joint Shareholding were held by the Representative Joint Shareholder and as if any Loans received jointly were received by the Representative Joint Borrower.