Examples of representative of a Party in a sentence
In no event shall a representative of a Party be elected as Chair if a representative of the same Party has served consecutive terms as Chair in any part of the preceding six-year period.
In such a case, an authorized representative of a Party, together with the signature, shall indicate his/her name, surname and ID number.
Formal notices: If it is required in this Consortium Agreement (Sections 4.2,, and 11.4) that a formal notice, consent or approval shall be given, such notice shall be signed by an authorised representative of a Party and shall either be served personally or sent by mail with recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt.
If a representative of a Party in the Joint Committee has accepted a decision subject to the fulfilment of constitutional requirements, the decision shall enter into force on the date that the last Party notifies that its internal requirements have been fulfilled, unless the decision itself specifies a later date.