Examples of Resettlement Policy Frameworks in a sentence
Resettlement Policy Frameworks detail the approach to accessing land based on national laws, approaches and customary land rights.
The Environmental Office will be responsible to monitor and supervision resettlement implementation by Provincial Branch in order to ensure they are in compliance with the adopted Resettlement Policy Frameworks and RAP.
Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMFs) have been prepared and disclosed, and Resettlement Policy Frameworks (RPFs) have as well been prepared and disclosed to address key issues such as the socioeconomic composition of the population.
For the on-going CARs-2 project, a Resettlement Policy Frameworks (RPF) and RAPs for selected subprojects were prepared and have been successfully implemented.
Resettlement Policy Frameworks have been disclosed in-country and in Bank's website for Grenada on April 28, 2011 at http://www.gov.gd/egov/docs/other/RPF_document.pdf and for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on April 28, 2011 at http://gov.vc/images/stories/pdf_documents/draft%20resettlement%20policy%20frame.
They are responsible for monitoring, supervision, resettlement implementation by PDIH/ESCOs and VEAC in order to ensure they are in compliance with the adopted Resettlement Policy Frameworks and RAP and also responsible for preparingresettlement progress report, which will be submitted to DOE, and the World Bank each quarter during the project implementation.
The use of Resettlement Policy Frameworks is justified by the absence of defined sitting alignment for the Project activities that may involve resettlement: (i) Under subcomponent 1.1., the technical designs of the infrastructure investments, which are required for the identification of potential impacts under OP 4.12, 22 The preparation process of both SAs included a series of consultations with different stakeholders through focus groups and interviews.
In accordance with local laws and OP/BP 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement, Resettlement Action Plans and Resettlement Policy Frameworks (RPF) for Wuwei Municipality and Linxia County were prepared in Chinese and English by the two PMOs, with assistance from house demolition offices, local land bureaus, affected villages and communities, potentially displaced persons, and a consultative team from Hohai University.
Each project component will have a tailored program to engage affected people and other stakeholders, with the Sebzor HPP and 18km transmission line possibly sharing a single SEP since they are contiguous projects with many local common stakeholders.• Resettlement Policy Frameworks.
Shifted lognormal or shifted gamma distribution (Law and Kelton 2000) may be used to avoidinordinately high probability near allowed minimum headway distance when shifted exponential distribution is applied.