Examples of Resident Rights in a sentence
Special requirements are grouped into four categories: Project Selection, Contract Terms, Resident Rights and Participation, and Other Miscellaneous Provisions.
Also see Section 19 of the Plan Supplement: Conversion of Public Housing to Project-Based Assistance under RAD for further information on Resident Rights, Participation, Waiting List and Grievance Procedures.
These “special” provisions are grouped into three categories: Contract Terms, Resident Rights and Participation, and Other Miscellaneous Provisions.
Owners must give the family a copy of each form the family signed, a HUD Fact Sheet, and the Resident Rights and Responsibilities brochure.
Special requirements are grouped into four categories: Project Selection, Contract Terms, Resident Rights and 29 Section 33 of the Act requires PHAs to identify projects that must be removed from the stock of public housing.Participation, and Other Miscellaneous Provisions.