Residential training facility definition

Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more individuals
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more individuals with mental retardation or other developmental dis- abilities, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous properties.
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more indi- viduals with mental retardation or other de- velopmental disabilities, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contig- uous properties.

More Definitions of Residential training facility

Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more mentally retarded or other developmentally disabled individuals, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous properties.
Residential training facility means The Knox Cobbla Campus, The Chestervale Youth Camp or any other facility being used by the National Youth Service for the purpose of training.
Residential training facility means a facility that provides for six or more mentally retarded or other developmentally disabled individuals, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous properties. (Ord. 435 § 1 (part), 1988: Ord. 343 § 3.0 (part), 1980)
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more indi- viduals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous proper- ties.
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more men- tally retarded or other developmentally disa- bled individuals, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous properties.
Residential training facility means a facility that provides, for six or more individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, residential care and training in one or more buildings on contiguous properties.