Examples of Resource Baselines in a sentence
These Annual Base Charges are set forth in Attachment 4-A and these Monthly Resource Baselines are set forth in Attachment 4-D and reflect the required resources to support DIR and the DIR Customers.
Due to the theorem of Gerschgorin, the positivity of the diagonal elements, the symmetry and the weak diagonal dominance, the pressure matrix is at least positive semi-definite.
If DIR proposes to add or remove a Resource Unit Category or move Charges from one Resource Unit Category to another, the Parties shall agree on the Resource Unit Baseline and Charges components applicable thereto and on corresponding adjustments to the Resource Baselines, Base Charges, ARC rates and RRC rates, and other Charges components for the remaining other Resource Unit Categories.
For example, any indication that a defendant engaged in prior planning before arriving at the Capitol, for example, by obtaining weapons or tactical gear, suggests that he was not just caught up in the frenzy of the crowd, but instead came to Washington, D.C. with the intention of causing mayhem and disrupting the democratic process, mandated under the U.S. Constitution, of counting and certifying Electoral College votes.
Appropriate adjustments will be made on a prospective basis to reduce the existing or new Resource Baselines and associated Base Charges and ARCs and RRCs, as applicable, to reflect advancements or changes in technology and related changes in functionality and relative performance, where applicable.
The Annual Base Charges for the Stub Period and each Contract Year are set forth in Attachment 4-A and are the fixed charges to DIR for Service Provider’s provision of the Services in accordance with the levels of Resource Unit (RU) usage included in the Monthly Resource Baselines set forth in Attachment 4-D.
These optional services do not have Annual Base Charges or Monthly Resource Baselines.
These Annual Base Charges are set forth in Attachment 4-A and these Monthly Resource Baselines are set forth in Attachment 4-D and reflect the required resources to support DIR and the DCS Customers.
The Monthly Resource Baselines may be revised from time to time on a prospective basis by agreement of the Parties based on the usage, demand and business requirements of DIR Customers and, in such event, the Annual Base Charges will be adjusted accordingly on a prospective basis.
Attachment 4-D Resource Baselines Attachment 4-D may be updated in accordance with the provisions in Exhibit 4.