Waste facility definition

Waste facility means any area designated for the accumulation or deposit of extractive waste, whether in a solid or liquid state or in solution or suspension, for the following time-periods:
Waste facility means all property, real or personal, including negative and positive easements and water and air rights, which is or may be needed or useful for the processing or disposal of waste, except property for the collection of the waste and property used primarily for the manufacture of scrap metal or paper. Waste facility includes but is not limited to transfer stations, processing facilities, and disposal sites and facilities.
Waste facility means, individually, either Designated Facility, the Facility or any other properly permitted Resources Recovery Facility, the Recycling Facility, any Transfer Station, Recycling Transfer Station or Landfill, or any other facility that is used or may be used by CRRA to (i) process or dispose of Acceptable Solid Waste or (ii) recycle Acceptable Recyclables.

Examples of Waste facility in a sentence

  • The Solid Waste facility is home to an active landfill, a recycling center, composting site, and ancillary facilities.

  • Waste facility" means any land area, structure, location, equipment or combination of them, including dumps, used for handling hazardous, biomedical or solid waste, waste oil, sludge or septage.

  • The Utilities consist of Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, and Electric utilities in addition to the Yard Waste facility.

  • Waste disposal guidelines for the Bulky Waste facility are published on the Town web site at the address shown below.

  • A.1 Waste facility permit or certificate of registration number to be transferred.

More Definitions of Waste facility

Waste facility means any structure or combination of
Waste facility means any site to which “waste” or “petroleum" from the operations of an "underground storage tank” is legally consigned for delivery or delivered for storage, disposal, processing or treatment, provided that such site: a. Is licensed by a government authority to perform such storage, disposal, processing or treatment; and b. Is not and never was owned by, rented or loaned to you. For the purposes of Exclusions g. and h. only, "waste facility” means any site to which "petroleum" is consigned for delivery or delivered for storage, disposal, processing or treatment.
Waste facility means any structure or combination of structures utilized to control poultry waste until it can be utilized in an authorized manner; and
Waste facility means any site to which waste from the operations of an "insured site" is legally consigned for delivery or delivered for storage, disposal, processing or treatment, provided that such site:
Waste facility means sanitary landfill, chemical facility, waste-to-energy conversion facility, waste processing facility, or any combination of these whose operation includes the storage or disposal of waste matter as defined herein.
Waste facility means premises approved for the storage, treatment, processing, sorting, recycling or disposal of waste; and
Waste facility means premises used for the storage, treatment, processing, sorting, recycling or disposal of waste;