Examples of Results Area 2 in a sentence
Results Area 2: Energy savings and EE market transformation in public street lighting(35% of total) 12 Total amount refers to US$220 million, and includes capitalized front-end fee of US$550,000.Disbursement-Linked Indicator Definition AmountDLI3.
For example, Results Area 2 focuses on supply-side interventions to increase food availability, enable food supply chains to function safely for poor and vulnerable households, and lay the foundations for recovery.
There are two DLIs proposed under this results area, and the delivery of UJALA program: focusing on number of LED bulbs and tube lights and ceiling fans.2. Results Area 2: Energy Savings and EE Market Transformation in Street Lighting Assessment of Program outcomes and impacts of SLNP.
SAS under Results Area 2 will not generate GHG emissions in the Program scenario given the use of solar technology.
The activities in Results Area 2 (RA2) are related to the quality of aged care services.
Activities under Results Area 2 support the Government’s agenda of diversifying energy resources through the promotion of SAS and mini- grids.
Based on the analysis of available documentations (power sector master plans, data from Ethiopia Electricity Utility, MTF survey, and so on) and technical working sessions with program’s stakeholders, a model was built to carry out the economic evaluation (or standard cost-benefit analysis) for Results Area 1 which includes 1,080,000 grid connections and for Results Area 2 which includes off-grid investment for 50,000 solar home systems and 5 PV/diesel mini-grids.
This DLI relates to Results Area 2 and will be triggered upon commissioning of renewable energy mini-grids and installations of stand-alone solar (SAS) system, following the preparation of related feasibility studies and implementation plans.
Results Area 2: Equitable Access to Improved Learning Environments:The Program will support provision of operational government primary schools, in accordance with national standards, in selected underserved districts.
In particular, the lower spectrum of MSEs in the food sector tends to serve the poor, either as primary producers who supply the MSEs or consumers purchasing food from the MSEs. Hence, Results Area 3 will support recovery and enhancing capabilities of MSEs, including those operating in food supply chains, thus complementing the food security objectives in Results Area 2.