Examples of Results Area 3 in a sentence
This DLI is related to Results Area 3 and will be triggered upon (i) the design and adoption of CE and gender work program (as defined in the POM) in the first year and publication of a report on CE engagement and gender activities for subsequent years of the Program and (ii) the annual customer satisfaction survey showing equal or increased customer satisfaction in key aspects (service, grievance, transparency, dialogue, or others, and so on) in the later years of the Program.
This DLI relates to Results Area 3 and will be triggered upon establishment of the DoE within the MoWIE to ensure coordination of activities under the NEP and putting in place an integrated M&E system that is maintained throughout the Program.
Finally, the activities in Results Area 3 (RA3) help enhance the efficiency of aged care public financing.
This DLI relates to Results Area 3 and will be triggered upon adoption by the EEU Board of the annual EEU connection rollout plans, necessary to identify resources, staffing, and material needs, as well as modus operandi in rolling out the envisioned connections for each year.
The technical assessment of the MoWIE and EEU concurred with the appropriateness of incorporating this arrangement under the proposed ELEAP and recommended capacity enhancement support, which has been incorporated in Results Area 3 (see annexes 1 and 4).
Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is in an advanced stage which will strengthen 16 IFC has expressed interest in downstream support to the air-conditioner manufacturing industry and upstream support to the private sector financiers to help scale up EESL’s Air-Conditioner program in a sustainable manner in the future by credit financing repayments on a larger scale, (Results Area 3).
Results Area 3: Access to municipal infrastructure in targeted disadvantaged neighborhoods improved: The expected outcome under this results area is improved access to municipal infrastructure in disadvantaged neighborhoods within the 144 targeted municipalities.
In particular, the lower spectrum of MSEs in the food sector tends to serve the poor, either as primary producers who supply the MSEs or consumers purchasing food from the MSEs. Hence, Results Area 3 will support recovery and enhancing capabilities of MSEs, including those operating in food supply chains, thus complementing the food security objectives in Results Area 2.
Finally, interventions in Results Area 3 aim to address information asymmetries as well as externalities related to scale economies.
Results Area 3: Strengthening efficiency of aged care financing for the elderlyDLI 6.