Revenue Loss definition
Examples of Revenue Loss in a sentence
As specified in the Treasury Guidance, Eligible Use of Fiscal Recovery Funds falls under four categories, including (1) Public Health and Economic Impacts, (2) Premium Pay for Essential Workers, (3) Revenue Loss, and (4) Investments in Infrastructure.
The net over or under collection will be calculated by comparing the actual TAP Revenue Loss (resulting from discounts provided to TAP Customers) with the actual TAP-R surcharge amounts billed to Non-TAP Customers.
Step 1: Developer submits a completed IZ TIF Revenue Loss Offset application to Community Planning and Economic Development (“CPED”) staff.
For projects of less than 100 units, the following scaling rules shall apply: The first 15 units in projects with 20-85 units that are not receiving Revenue Loss Offset Assistance are exempt from the above requirements.
An IZ-Assisted Development receiving Revenue Loss Offset assistance pursuant to this policy will not be required to have Minneapolis Development Finance Committee review.