Revenue Loss definition

Revenue Loss. The final rule offers a standard allowance for revenue loss of up to $10 million, not to exceed a recipient’s SLFRF award amount, allowing recipients to select between a standard amount of revenue loss or complete a full revenue loss calculation. Recipients that select the standard allowance may use that amount for government services. • Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure: The final rule significantly broadens eligible broadband infrastructure investments to address challenges with broadband access, affordability, and reliability, and adds additional eligible water and sewer infrastructure investments, including a broad range of lead remediation and stormwater management projects.
Revenue Loss means the tax credit claimed by the taxpayer and allowed pursuant to
Revenue Loss means an amount equal to: (A) the net revenue the Fund Member is prevented from receiving from any state funding plan, tax assessment, or business operations of the Fund Member; and (B) the continuing normal operating expenses incurred by the Fund Member (including payroll), but only to the extent that such operating expenses must necessarily continue during the Protection Period.

Examples of Revenue Loss in a sentence

  • As specified in the Treasury Guidance, Eligible Use of Fiscal Recovery Funds falls under four categories, including (1) Public Health and Economic Impacts, (2) Premium Pay for Essential Workers, (3) Revenue Loss, and (4) Investments in Infrastructure.

  • The net over or under collection will be calculated by comparing the actual TAP Revenue Loss (resulting from discounts provided to TAP Customers) with the actual TAP-R surcharge amounts billed to Non-TAP Customers.

  • Step 1: Developer submits a completed IZ TIF Revenue Loss Offset application to Community Planning and Economic Development (“CPED”) staff.

  • For projects of less than 100 units, the following scaling rules shall apply: The first 15 units in projects with 20-85 units that are not receiving Revenue Loss Offset Assistance are exempt from the above requirements.

  • An IZ-Assisted Development receiving Revenue Loss Offset assistance pursuant to this policy will not be required to have Minneapolis Development Finance Committee review.

More Definitions of Revenue Loss

Revenue Loss. ’ means, in relation to any Asset on a Note Payment Date, the amount (if any) determined in good faith by the Servicer on the related Calculation Date in respect of the related Collection Period as being the amount of a revenue nature due in respect of such Asset after the Servicer has completed the Enforcement Procedures on behalf of the Issuer in relation to such Asset in accordance with Paragraph 3 (Proceedings against Obligors) of Schedule 1 (Enforcement Services to be provided by the Servicer) of the Enforcement Services Agreement;
Revenue Loss means the amount equal to the difference between the average of the producer’s revenues for the 3 years prior to the first year of transitioning to organic agricultural
Revenue Loss means any vehicle crossing the TNB without paying the toll.
Revenue Loss means the Accrued Revenue Receivables in respect of a Mortgage Loan that remain due and payable but unpaid under such Mortgage Loan after the Mortgage Administrator, acting reasonably and in good faith, has:
Revenue Loss means the absence of, delay in, or a net decrease in the Performance Payments receivable by the Concessionaire in accordance with Section 32.1 [Performance Payments] of this Agreement or any other Loss suffered or incurred by the Concessionaire as a consequence of a Province Change or Compensation Event which would have been payable by the Province or, as the case may be, would not have been suffered or incurred by the Concessionaire but for the Province Change or Compensation Event, provided however that to the extent a Revenue Loss results from a delay in completion of the Works or the Decommissioning resulting from a Province Change or a Compensation Event, the Revenue Loss will be determined on the basis of the Delay Period determined in accordance with Section 12.6.7 of this Agreement.
Revenue Loss means the Insured’s financial loss of revenue that was typically generated via the Covered URL. The amount of Revenue Loss is agreed to by CyberFortress and the Insured prior to the beginning of the coverage period, based on the Insured’s historical revenue generated via the Covered URL. Revenue Loss is expressed as the Monthly Coverage Limit and used to calculate the Per Hour Claim Limit shown in the Declarations for this Policy.Revenue Loss does not include any of the following:
Revenue Loss means the amount of the PPP recipient's loss in this state for the