Completion of the Works definition

Completion of the Works means the date on which the Works have been installed in full, or the Works have been deemed complete by the Licensing Authority, whichever occurs first;
Completion of the Works means the achievement of the criteria set out in Clause 5.21.1[Completion of the Works] and “Complete” “Completed” “Completion” and
Completion of the Works means the achievement of the criteria set out in Clause 22.1 and “Complete” “Completed” “Completion” and “Completing” shall be construed accordingly and as certified by the Completion Certificate.

Examples of Completion of the Works in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall request the Procuring Entity’s Representative to issue a certificate of Completion of the Works, and the Procuring Entity’s Representative will do so upon deciding that the work is completed.

  • Upon issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion of the Works, the Contractor shall be deemed to have undertaken to complete with due expedition any outstanding work during the Defects Liability Period.

  • On Completion of the Works, all temporary stores, equipment, signs and tools shall be removed from the site, and the Site left in good order to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

  • Scope: This section comprises those items that are required at the Commencement and Completion of the Works or that are Provisional Items applicable for the duration of the Works.

  • Completion Certificate58.1 The Contractor shall request the Project Manager to issue a certificate of Completion of the Works, and the Project Manager will do so upon deciding that the work is completed.59.

More Definitions of Completion of the Works

Completion of the Works means the date on which the Works have been completed, or the Works have been deemed to be complete by the Licensing Authority, whichever occurs first; “HMCG” means Her Majesty’s Coastguard;
Completion of the Works means the achievement of the criteria set out in Clause
Completion of the Works means that Contractor has provided all Material and Services and has done all things as provided for in the Purchase Order, and "Complete the Works" and "Works Completed" shall be interpreted accordingly.
Completion of the Works means the date on which the Floating LiDAR device and associated moorings have been completely removed or the Works have been deemed complete by the Licensing Authority, whichever occurs first;
Completion of the Works means the date on which the Works (including the deployment of single turbines, deployment of associated infrastructure and the movement and redeployment of turbines and associated infrastructure) have been installed, or the Works have been deemed complete by the Licensing Authority, whichever occurs first;
Completion of the Works means the date on which the Seller, upon practical completion of the Works described by this contract, gives notification to the Buyer that the Works have been practically completed. An invoice issued by the Seller for the balance of the Price shall be deemed such a notification. For the avoidance of doubt, a Code of Compliance Certificate is not a condition or requirement of practical completion.
Completion of the Works means the execution of Works as specified in the “Section 4 Scope of Works” of this RFB, to the satisfaction of Transport Commissioner, Odisha and RFB for I&C Cuttack up-gradation to ATS, Establishment of Two wheeler test lane and operation of ATS the Transport Commissioner, Odisha has issued completion certificate in this regard.