Examples of RFP Website in a sentence
These issues were documented in the evaluation section of the PGE RFP Website.
Once a response is prepared, Black Hills will post the information on the RFP Website: https://www.blackhillsenergy.com/solar/csg.
The RFP Website is distinct from the Project Webpage which is viewable by the public.
Each shortlisted Proposer will be required to treat the username and password as confidential information and to check the RFP Website regularly for Addenda to this RFP, additional Reference Information Documents, and other procurement-related information.
TxDOT shall separately provide to each shortlisted Proposer the address of the RFP Website, as well as a username and password.
Victoria Ave.Pueblo, CO 81003Email: BHECSG@blackhillscorp.com RFP Website: https://www.blackhillsenergy.com/solar/csg Bids received later than the due date and time indicated will be rejected and returned unopened, unless Black Hills determines, in its sole discretion, that extenuating circumstances led to late delivery.
Access to the RFP Website will be granted only to shortlisted Proposers.
The role of the IM is described in the Scope of Work Activities, which is posted on the RFP Website.
To the extent bidder inquiries elicit generally applicable information or corrections/clarifications to existing information, such information will be posted to the RFP Website.
Third party bids were received on the RFP Website by COB August 8, 2012, but were not released to the PGE evaluation team until the IE was satisfied that all required data was collected.