Examples of Risk Takers in a sentence
In order to ensure that the Remuneration parameters of Risk Takers in Control Units and the business units they monitor are not predominantly synchronized, the performance criteria and the weighting is different.
Awards granted to Material Risk Takers (“MRTs”) are subject to a six or twelve month holding period (“Holding Period”) during which the shares cannot be sold, charged, pledged, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered.
DBOD No.BC.72/29.67.001/2011-12 dated 13 January 2012 on “Guidelines on Compensation of Whole Time Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Risk Takers and Control function staff, etc.” the Bank has submitted a declaration received from its Head Office to RBI to the extent that the CEO’s compensation structure in India is in conformity with the Financial Stability Board (FSB) principles and standards.
Members of the Executive Board, Risk Takers and other employees shall not undertake any personal hedging strategies or other countermeasures that confine or neutralize the risk alignment effects of their Remuneration.
The Remuneration Committee shall consider, and make specific recommendations to the Board on, both remuneration policy and individual remuneration packages for Approved Persons and other Material Risk Takers, as well as the total variable remuneration to be distributed.