Examples of Road Safety Audit in a sentence
Road Safety Audit (RSA) is defined as “the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team.
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) has studied road safety elements extensively in the past and has come up with various manuals such as manual for safety in road design (1998), Road safety Audit Manual (2003) and Revised Road Safety Audit manual (2010).
Financial Information Asia-Pacific International University is a not- for-profit institution that operates as an on- going venture of faith.
A Maintenance (S278)/Final Certificate (S38) will not be issued until the following have been satisfactorily completed: • Maintenance inspection• Stage 4 Road Safety Audit (if applicable)• Street Lighting inspection (if applicable)• Traffic Signals inspection (if applicable)• Structural Inspection (if applicable) Upon issue of the certificate, the Project Engineer will arrange for the works deposit to be released in its entirety.
FDOT District 7 conducted a Pedestrian Safety Study and Road Safety Audit to determine the best locations for the recently installed Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs) along Busch Boulevard in Hillsborough County.