Examples of RPS Guidelines in a sentence
RPS-certified facility” means a facility that the Commission has certified as being eligible for the RPS pursuant to the Commission’s RPS Guidelines, or that the Commission has granted limited RPS certification in place for the duration of that facility’s contract or ownership agreement term pursuant to the Commission’s RPS Guidelines.
This requirement was in place for retail sellers under the RPS Guidelines that were in effect when SB 2 (1X) was passed and was generally understood to be part of the definition of “firmed and shaped” in California.
If LADWP adds new out-of-state biomethane contracts into its resource mix in future years, it would do so only in compliance with the CEC’s future RPS Guidelines.
To become an RPS‐certified facility, the facility must demonstrate to the Commission that it satisfies the requirements of RPS Guidelines in place at the time the facility applies for RPS certification.
So long as the arrangement satisfies the RPS Guidelines, the Joint Utilities can support treatment of the storage as an “addition or 5 CalSEIA PFM, p.
If so, should the Commission consider adopting the requirements for biomethane project provision of environmental benefits as outlined in the RPS Guidelines, or Pub.
Any such changes would be announced as revisions of DOER’s RPS Guidelines at least two years prior to the date when the new standards would be enforced.
Alternative #1, by preventing the storage from charging from the grid, satisfies the RPS Guidelines definition of an addition or enhancement to the renewable generator.Because of that, the combination of storage and the renewable generator can be treated as a single, renewable, facility.
To become a facility with limited RPS certification, the facility must demonstrate to the Commission that it satisfied the requirements of the RPS Guidelines that were in place at the time of the contract or ownership agreement approval.
The Joint Utilities point out that the RPS Guidelines allow for de minimis charging from the grid for storage that is still considered an addition or enhancement to a renewable generator.