Examples of Rules of the Route in a sentence
Any Possession that does not comply with Rules of the Route opportunities is contractually in breach of the conditions with the train operating companies and therefore considered disruptive.
A "Rules of the Route" Possession is a schedule of engineering access opportunities that do not conflict with the approved planned operational services.
The schedule of the Rules of the Route is negotiated with formal consultation with train operators and Network Rail s Integrated Planning Managers.
The Yellow pages version of Part D clearly envisages that Network Rail will in general rely solely upon the normal processes for deriving the applicable Rules of the Route, but may “at its discretion” have recourse to a PSN.
NR recognised that revisions to the Rules of the Route in order to implement a possession for maintenance or renewal work which lasts for more than six months and which has a material effect on trains operated on the network would qualify as a ‘Network Change’ pursuant to the definition.
On going discussions with both Network Rail and London Underground have indicated that the majority of the work can be carried out without track possessions and that any possessions needed will most likely be accommodated in Engineering Hours or Rules of the Route possessions.
The principles and cyclical programme developed for engineering access will be incorporated into both the Track Access Agreement (TAA) and Rules of the Route (ROTR) for the East Midlands franchise.
NR pointed to the availability of Schedule 4 compensation in many instances where possessions were taken and argued that changes to the Rules of the Route should permit it to maintain the Network by taking possessions as long as it complied with its obligations in terms of applying the Decision Criteria, even though it might be the case that certain operator(s) might be more disrupted by a particular possession than others.
It is expected that the bridge foundations and abutments would be constructed outside the track exclusion zone with the superstructure beams erected during the course of "Rules of the Route" type possessions.
Subsequently, if Network Rail has elected to open consultation in accordance with Conditions D2.2.1 and D2.2.2, it is then required by D2.2.3 ( “Network Rail shall issue”) to draw all its proposals together into a Possessions Strategy Notice (PSN), stating the method of implementation, including advance notice of ROUs that will need to be incorporated into the applicable Rules of the Route for future Timetables.