Examples of Sample Source in a sentence
Finally, Figure 6 demonstrates the declining share of creameries reporting use of peat (often together with other fuels), consistent with the historical narrative.Figure 4: Map of Peat and Location of Creameries in our Sample Source: Geographical Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS); Ellbrecht (1915-18)Figure 5: Distance to peat and use of peat Source: Own calculations.
In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Exhibit 2, the terms of Exhibit 2 shall control with respect to the Sample Source Code.
These additional license terms apply to the Sample Source Code, licensed by Microsoft Corporation or their affiliates (“Microsoft”) to TI.
Sample Source File ComparisonTI RecordInventory FileNIMBillingAll InventoryTypes of data used to generate AAI reporting output are identified in Table 3.
Valent´ı, Charge density waves in kagome-lattice extended Hubbard models at the van Hove filling, Phys.
Intel grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable copyright license to reproduce the Sample Source, prepare derivative works of the Sample Source and distribute the Sample Source or any derivative works thereof that you create, as part of the product or application you develop using the Materials.
Date of TestLocation or ChainageTable 1: Summary of Final Field Density Test Sample Source: Ghana Highways Authority, Ho (Reported on 15th April 2013) The client in this case the Government of Ghana also had a representative on site similar in function to the resident engineer who monitored the quality of the work executed on site.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, a valid license to Intel IPP is a prerequisite to any license for Sample Source, and possession of Sample Source does not grant any license to Intel IPP (or any portion thereof).
Sample Technician:Michael DailPhone number: ( ) 239- 7142 Sample Source: Indoor Air / Crawlspace Air / Sub-Slab / Near Slab Soil Gas / Exterior Soil Gas Sampler Type: Tedlar bag / Sorbent / Stainless Steel Canister / Other (specify):Radiello Analytical Method: TO-15 / TO-17 / other:RAD130 Cert.
To access Sample Source, you must first register your licensed copy of the Intel IPP with Intel.