Examples of Segment 2 in a sentence
Segment 1 and Segment 2 courses are offered at Okemos High School.
Appendix 3D provides that Segment 2 is for “[a]ny entity authorized by appropriate governmental authority to operate as an RTO or ISO.” Currently, there are eight such entities in North America, each of which participates in Segment 2.
Given the limited number of ISO/RTOs in North America, allowing non-ISOs/RTOs to vote in Segment 2 could have a substantial impact on the voting outcome for Segment 2.
Currently, there are no non-ISOs/RTO members in Segment 2 such that the proposed changes will have no effect on the current makeup of the RBB or any existing ballot pools.
Given the current structure of the electric industry, the number of RTOs and ISOs is not likely to change.After review of the Segment Qualification Guidelines and the weighted vote structure of the RBB at the request of stakeholders, NERC determined that ISO/RTO votes in Segment 2 could be diluted in a manner that does not adequately represent the interests of ISOs/RTOs should other individuals or entities join Segment 2 pursuant to Guideline 4 of the Segment Qualification Guidelines.