Examples of Segment 1 in a sentence
Segment 1 and Segment 2 courses are offered at Okemos High School.
Establishing the AMTBR By 1 September prior to each Contract Year, Terminal Operator shall notify Transshipper and Other Transshippers of the cumulative number of Transshipper’s and Other Transshippers’ Subscribed Transshipment Berthing Rights for that Contract Year, together with the dates indicatively scheduled for Planned Maintenance, if any, of the LNG Terminal and Segment 1, for each Month in that Contract Year.
For 2016 and 2018, the data for Segment 1 is taken directly from the actuarial valuation report prepared for ERISA purposes and supporting documentation, including subtotals of the data by segment.
The demo- graphic experience regarding employee terminations for employees of Segment1 is materially different from that of the other six segments so that pursu- ant to 9904.413–50(c)(2)(iii) the con- tractor must separately compute the pension cost for Segment 1.
Includes credit received for Nordic and Danna payments received for settlements as well as reimbursement for Segment 1.