Examples of Selected Assets in a sentence
Federal Reserve System Selected Assets, Liabilities, and Total Capital Table 1 reports selected assets and liabilities and total capital of the Federal Reserve System and presents the change in these components over selected inter- vals.
Federal Reserve System Selected Assets, Liabilities, and Total Capital Table 1 reports selected assets and liabilities and total capital of the Federal Reserve System and presents the change in these components over the past month and since this time last year.
With the IBF exclusion, the FR 2046 is comparable to the Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks and U.S. Branches and Agen- cies of Foreign Banks (FR 2644).
Also, where line-by-line exclusion of trans- actions with foreign offices is not possible within the given time schedule, amounts to be excluded may be estimated.Note: The FR 2046 is also comparable to the Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks and U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks (FR 2644).
Also, where line–by–line exclusion of transactions with foreign offices is not possible within the given time sched- ule, amounts to be excluded may be estimated.Note: For filers of the Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities for Large Banks (FR 2416) or the Weekly Report of Selected Assets (FR 2644), the FR 2046 also is comparable to those reports.
The Library does not record allowance for doubtful accounts for intragovernmental accounts receivable in accordance with SFFAS No. 1, “Accounting for Selected Assets and Liabilities,” which cites that “losses on receivables should be recognized when it is more likely than not that the receivable will not be totally collected.” Intragovernmental receivables are likely to be totally collected.
Note: The FR 2046 is also comparable to the Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks andU.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks(FR 2644).
Also, where line-by-line exclusion of transactions with foreign offices is not possible within the given time schedule, amounts to be excluded may be estimated.Note: The FR 2046 is also comparable to the Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks andU.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks(FR 2644).
Taking a painting as our primary example, the fact that there is a particular distribution of colors, shapes, and lines on the canvas does not seem to constitute a fact of the matter about its beauty.
Paragraphs 26 and 29 of SFFAS 1, Accounting for Selected Assets and Liabilities, are amended as follows:[26] Both entity assets and non-entity assets under an entity’s custody or management should be reported in the entity’s financial statements, except for non-entity assets meeting the definition of fiduciary assets, which should not be recognized on the balance sheet, but should be disclosed in accordance with the provisions of SFFAS 31, Accounting for Fiduciary Activities.