Examples of Selected Options in a sentence
These Premium Selected Options were actively chosen for you by MERS.
Funding Opportunities for Implementing Selected Options to Achieve the TMDLs Funding Opportunity(continued)Table 5-3.
A list of these tables is shown in Table 8 below.Table 8 - Selected Option Pages Page in Interatctive Options Direction of Stock Under/ Over Priced Options on Page areRankedCommnStocks areRankedSelected Options for “Naked” Call BuyingBullishUnder Priced Using our Selected OptionsTable 9 below is a sample segment of one of these pages, Selected Options for Naked Call Buying.
The Customer shall pay to Elevator Contractor for the Work specified in paragraph one of this contract the sum of Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000 ), plus the cost of any Customer Selected Options, the “Purchase Price”, in accordance with the following schedule: a.
At first, the information on this page may appear daunting, but it is rather easy to see the logic of why the data is presented the way that it is.Table 9 - Selected Options for Naked Call Buying OptionTicker TickerWe sort these pages in order of company name, expiration and strike price.
RAST: Normative Information and Selected Options for Risk Categories 30List of FiguresFigure 1.
International Environmental Governance: A Legal Analysis of Selected Options.
Drag and Drop Desired Fields from the Available Fields Box to the Selected Options Box.
The Customer shall pay to Elevator Contractor for the Work specified in paragraph one of this contract the sum of Twenty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($28,900.00 ), plus the cost of any Customer Selected Options, the “Purchase Price”, in accordance with the following schedule: a.
Table 3 – Selected Options (Medical Marijuana Program) Rankings (* Question Type was “Select all that apply”) Table 4 - Selected Options (Industrial Hemp Program) Rankings (* Question Type was “Select all that apply”) Key Findings --- survey respondents ranked the following options as their “top three” choices for participating in both the Medical Marijuana and Industrial Hemp programs: (1) Grow-17% and 16.6%; (2) Harvest-13.7% and 13.4% and (3) Package-9.4% and 9.2%.